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Good news: Congress is considering a suite of antitrust bills that would be a great first step to rein in Big Tech.
But industry lobbyists are already doing all they can to weaken these bills—and tech executives are pouring money into the effort.[1] In addition, these bills aren’t perfect, and there are some legitimate issues to fix. For example, one of the bills could accidentally give more power to platforms that promote hate speech. Someone needs to fix that.
At Fight for the Future, we will fight to ensure that these bills are the best they can be and push to make them the law. But we’re up against Big Tech dollars, and we need your support. Donate now to make sure Congress passes meaningful antitrust legislation to rein in Big Tech AND protect your free speech.
Because there are a bunch of bills and what’s going on is pretty complex, here’s the 10,000 ft breakdown[2]:
One would reverse the burden of proof of mergers on the acquiring company rather than the government, basically making companies prove that they won’t harm people by merging. This is the kind of reform that advocates have been demanding for a long time, and Big Tech is extra angry about this one.
Another bill would make it illegal for a dominant company like Amazon or Apple to create its own lines of businesses in order to drive out “nascent or potential competition”. We’ve opposed both the Apple App Store and Amazon monopolies, and are excited to see this recognition of how big tech hurts small business and innovation.
There’s a lot to work with in these different bills. This is the moment to dig in and fight for the good while getting rid of the bad pieces that companies like Amazon, Apple, and Facebook are going to push for.
This work will only be possible with your support. If you can, please donate today to help fight Big Tech and make a big dent in their excessive power.
Sarah and the team at Fight for the Future
[1] https://thehill.com/business-a-lobbying/business-a-lobbying/563439-tech-executives-increased-political-donations-amid?rl=1
[2] https://gizmodo.com/heres-whats-in-the-six-antitrust-bills-that-could-final-1847172991
[3] https://www.reuters.com/technology/thirteen-groups-oppose-two-big-tech-antitrust-bills-before-us-congress-2021-06-21/
Fight for the Future works to protect your rights in the digital age.