
The federal prohibition of marijuana is archaic, cruel, and hypocritical to its core.

18 states have legalized adult-use marijuana, and 37 have legalized medical marijuana. It’s time that we finally end prohibition and focus on restorative justice for communities that have been ruined by our broken marijuana policies.

I’ve released a discussion draft of the Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act alongside Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Senator Ron Wyden to do just that, and I need your voice to create the momentum to pass it.

Add your name to join me as a citizen cosponsor of the Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act today. The time is now for us to end federal marijuana prohibition and heal the decades of damage our broken marijuana policies have caused.


In 2019, there were more arrests for marijuana than for all violent crimes combined. Prohibition does not make us safer. If anything, our current federal laws make us less safe by redirecting limited resources away from preventing actual crimes. It’s time to change this.

Tens of millions of Americans have voted for marijuana legalization at the state level — from red and blue states alike. The American people are saying enough is enough.

Our plan to legalize marijuana is about equal justice and equal opportunity. Far too many lives have been ruined with unjust convictions, and far too many communities have been destroyed by a failed War on Drugs that has incarcerated more people in the United States than any other country on earth.

Our bill represents the most comprehensive effort to rewrite marijuana laws at the federal level in American history. It will be a substantial step toward ending the failed War on Drugs — and we will get it done.

We will expunge federal records of nonviolent marijuana crimes.

We will remove marijuana from the Controlled Substances Act.

We will tax marijuana and reinvest those resources in the communities that have been most impacted by the failed War on Drugs. We are determined that the economic opportunities created by legalizing marijuana are available to everyone.

Add your name as a citizen cosponsor of the Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act today. Together we will lead the effort to pass this bill and end federal prohibition once and for all.


Thank you, as always, for raising your voice.

— Cory