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As more and more evidence comes to light
in Arizona and Georgia, the question remains: should more
states conduct forensic audits of their 2020 results?
---------- Forwarded message
--------- From: John <[email protected]> Date:
Mon, Jul 19, 2021 Subject: Should we audit more states?

As you know, investigators in Arizona and Georgia have
uncovered massive evidence of irregularities with the 2020 results.
These include:
74,243 Arizona mail-in ballots that were counted with no
record of them ever being sent
- Fulton County, Georgia's 60% error reporting rate,
with 923 of 1,539 mail-in ballot batch files contained incorrectly
reported votes.
As more and more evidence comes to light, the question
remains: should more states conduct forensic audits of their
2020 results?

Thank you for standing up for election integrity,
Restoration Action
P.S. This Election Audit Survey takes less
than 1 minute to complete. Click here to take it now!
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