Dear John,

Exactly one year to the day after COVID’s arrival in Morocco, I couldn’t help but look back in amazement. The borders closed with a bang that day. Police seemed to come out of the woodwork in numbers, setting up roadblocks every 300 yards and fiercely enforcing the nation’s airtight lockdown.

I confess, we at the Fondouk were bewildered and scared.

Somehow we persevered and our mission to save the lives of working animals continued thanks to the dedication of our staff and the caring support of friends like you. Read the full story of our COVID journey in the latest edition of our Compassion newsletter.

One year later, we are as busy as ever, with 50 or so hospitalized animals and more coming in every day. A donkey brought in by rubbish collectors, unable to bear weight on his hind leg … a mule with a severely infected knee … a baby donkey with a horrific dog-bite wound to his rump …

It’s a struggle to keep up with demand. But you’ve made possible what seemed impossible: health in the face of a global pandemic, life in the face of death. Even as the pandemic subsides, your support is vital. Please make a gift now, because saving an animal’s life is all in a day’s work for animal lovers like you and me!

With my deepest thanks,

Gigi Kay Signature

Dr. Gigi Kay


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