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Surprise: no one ‘bad guy’ responsible for violence in the Middle East

By Matthew Petti on Jul 20, 2021 03:40 am

New report finds that Iran is not 'on the march,' but among multiple powers, some US-backed, destabilizing the region.
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Biden slaps new sanctions on China, but it won’t free Hong Kong

By Ethan Paul on Jul 16, 2021 10:03 am

The U.S. must find ways of advocating for basic democratic principles without using them as a cudgel to bash Beijing.
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The overreaction to China’s new nuclear silos

By Daniel Larison on Jul 16, 2021 03:43 am

Panicking over this development would just encourage Beijing to increase its arsenal more than it already is.
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Meet Peter Thiel’s military industrial candidate

By Eli Clifton on Jul 15, 2021 03:55 am

With $10 million of his boss's money, Blake Masters could win the Senate and secure business for their border security and weapons investments.
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Face it: ‘New’ counter-terror policy in Africa lacks political will to change course

By Elizabeth Schmidt on Jul 14, 2021 03:00 am

The House passed a bill that sounds good superficially, but doesn't end the useless militarized approach or get to root problems.
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