ACT For America is 1776 STRONG!



Dear John,

We are calling on all Patriots to join the ACT For America national leadership Community. We are witnessing a wellspring of conservative activism nationwide and it's time to unite our efforts and save America together!

If you have an organized group of any size, 3 or more, we invite you to align yourself with ACT to maximize and accelerate strategic impact in your city and state.

Click this link to register with us today!

1776 STRONG is a nationwide movement uniting our conservative base to fight the Left's march against our American History, Freedom, Culture, and Prosperity.

1776 STRONG is designed to assemble our great community of patriots towards unified, strategic wins.

1776 STRONG is a network of localized groups, fighting together to win critical battles including Election Integrity, Law and Order, and the Woke Culture War. 

For those new to grassroots activism, ACT for America provides the tools you need to take a stand for the first time and fight to save our county.

We, the Republic, cannot afford to lose any more battles through fair or unfair circumstances. We must stand together, everyone acting together to safeguard our Nation.

We must STAND together, determined never to rest our fate, freedoms, and our future into the hands of RINO's and the Left.

We STAND together, electing only true Patriots who love our country, love and respect our Constitution, and will stand 1776 STRONG.

We must pool our time, talent, and treasure to fight this battle together!

Please share this message with everyone you know. Together, we can rescue our Nation out of the clutches of the radical LEFTIST minority.

Short on time? STAND 1776 STRONG and contribute to helping fund these battles ahead.

When everyone does a little, together we accomplish a lot! 




Copyright © 2021. ACT for America,
1300 Pennsylvania Ave. Suite 190, #614
Washington, DC 20004
United States
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