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Tuesday, July 20th, 2021

‘Ed-Exit’ To Protect Your Kids from Critical Race Theory

Ron Paul, MD

The Equality Act

Wanjiru Njoya

Chinese Media Coverage, Biowarfare, and My Covid EBook

Ron Unz

Covid Cases Are Surging in the Most-Vaxxed Countries, Not in the Least-Vaxxed

Paul Craig Roberts

Who Will Be Your Wally Pipp?

Allan Stevo

France Rises Up Against the New Fascism

Winter Oak

Want To Reduce Your Life Expectancy?

Michael Shedlock

The Counter-Truths Unspin

James Howard Kunstler

Our Nation’s Fat, Archaic, Dilapidated Airports Represent the Overall Decline of America

‘We’ve Got To Fight Disinformation,’ Says Empire Made Entirely of Disinformation

Caitlin Johnstone

A Question of Timing

Jeff Thomas

As a Parent, the Speed That Western Society And Culture Is Descending Into Hysterical Self-Hatred Makes Me Worry for My Children

Brett Sinclair

LRC Blog

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