More concentration camps?
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

For more information on any post below, click through to read the full article on our website.

China To Step Up Its Involvement in Israel-“Palestinian” Conflict
Ayn Rand brilliantly wrote, “The spread of evil is the symptom of a vacuum. Whenever evil wins, it is only by default: by the moral failure of those who evade the fact that there can be no compromise on basic principles.” “Biden” is that ...

BOMBSHELL by Seth Keshel: Trump Won Pennsylvania by 6-8% (VIDEO)
And remember, Pennsylvania Republicans outnumber Pennsylvania Democrats two to one.

We will not stand down. We will not accept the coup.

BOMBSHELL by Seth Keshel: Trump Won Pennsylvania by 6-8% (VIDEO)

By Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit,, ...

DEMOCRAT RUIN: Border Apprehensions Pass ONE MILLION On Track To Set New Record While Democrats Plan Amnesty
Democrats are brazenly, nakedly destroying the country right before our very eyes.

Border Apprehensions Pass 1 Million, On Track To Set New Record While Democrats Plan Amnesty  By Spencer Lindquist, The  Federalist, July 16, 2021

Recently ...

SECESSION: Oregon Counties Will Vote To Secede From Oregon This November And Join “GREATER IDAHO”
State lines have been relocated many times in American history, because it just takes an interstate compact between two state legislatures and approval of Congress. We explain more in the first two pages of our proposal (pdf).  Our strategy for ...

L.A. County Sheriff Refuses to Enforce County’s Renewed Mask Mandate
One thing is certain, there is a majority, though unheard, that refuses to be ruled by an autocracy. War is coming…..

L.A. County Sheriff Refuses to Enforce County’s Renewed Mask Mandate

Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva ...

‘Let Them Die’: NAACP Leader Speaks Against Anti-Critical Race Theory Parents
There it is.

Democrats are fulfilling Charles Manson's dream of a “race war.” Unreal.

‘Let Them Die’: Fairfax NAACP Leader Speaks Against Anti-Critical Race Theory Parents

By: Madeleine Hubbard, Breitbart, 16 Jul 2021

“Let ...

KAPO JEWS Ben & Jerry’s BANS SALES To Jewish Settlements In Israel in Nazi-Inspired Boycott of Jewish State
Ben & Jerry's has been inundated with attacks on social media, because of the company's operations in Israel. In addition, the founders of Ben & Jerry's (both of whom are Jewish) supported Senator Bernie Sanders' anti-Israel presidential campaign. ...

BREAKING BIG: New EVIDENCE of Gross Election Discrepancies In OTHER Georgia Counties, Worse Than Those Found in Fulton County
We are reaching of tipping point. Irrefutable evidence of the stolen election. Decertify. Now.

Biden is not legitimate.

NEW: Press release from @VoterGA says the group has obtained new evidence that the election discrepancies in other ...

Fulton County Board of Commissioners Chairman Calls for ALL Georgia Counties to Have Forensic Audit of Ballots
In our Democrat banana republic, pray for a just, honest judge.

Fulton County Board of Commissioners Chairman Calls for ALL Georgia Counties to Have Forensic Audit of Ballots

By:Jim Hoft, July 19, 2021:

A lawsuit will be filed on Monday ...

What the Biden Administration Should Do Now About the Palestinian Authority
The Palestinian Authority elections were called not because Palestinian Authority President-for-Life Mahmoud Abbas had suddenly become a believer in democracy, but because he wanted to put on a show for the Americans, with what he thought would be ...

President Trump On Audits: ‘Numbers Will Be Released Shortly…They Are EXTRAORDINARILY BIG’
The evidence presented will be irrefutable. Make no mistake, the theft will not stand. “Biden” threatened us with civil war? He'll get it.

President Trump On Audits: ‘Numbers Will Be Released Shortly…They Are Extraordinarily Big’ ...


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