Lt. Gov Dan Patrick

No To Critical Race Theory

The Texas Senate passed a bill to ban teaching Critical Race Theory and ensure that our public school students are not indoctrinated with ridiculous leftist narratives.

Parents do not want Critical Race Theory taught in public schools or the young minds of their children to be poisoned.

Our bill bans teaching Critical Race Theory and encourages teaching our students to actively engage in civil discourse and the truthful history of our nation.

The notion that an individual is either oppressed or an oppressor simply because of their skin color is unacceptable and should NOT be taught in our schools.

Do you agree we should ban the teaching of Critical Race Theory in Texas public schools?

Our nation has overcome great challenges in making sure every citizen can achieve the American Dream. We will not shy away from teaching this.

Final passage of this bill into law will require the House Democrats who have fled the state to return for a quorum. But make no mistake, the Texas Senate will continue to pass a Critical Race Theory ban over and over again until the House finally has a quorum.

Please continue to keep our state and our nation in your prayers. May God bless you and your family, and may He continue to bless the greatest state of all—Texas.


Dan Patrick

Dan Patrick
Lieutenant Governor of Texas

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