It's time for the EPA to wake up and take action to protect Americans from glyphosate contamination in our food! Fight for safe food! Tell the EPA to take action to get Monsanto’s cancer-linked weedkiller out of our food!

Just Label It


Our friends at Only Organic have just launched a new campaign,, that highlights the more than 700 chemicals prohibited from use in organic food, farming, and products.

The concept behind the campaign is simple: Rather than reading a long list of unpronounceable chemicals that may or may not pose potential health risks, consumers can have the peace of mind of buying products with the USDA organic seal and skip the chemicals altogether.

“Skip the chemicals and just go with organic.”

So, they have created “The World’s Most Skippable Ad,” a 30-minute video featuring two parents washing dishes while singing the names of more than 700 chemicals found in conventional farming and food manufacturing. BUT they don’t want you to watch the whole video. They would rather you just skip it and go with organic!  

Some of the chemicals used in conventional food have been linked to serious health problems like cancer, including sodium nitrate and butylated hydroxyanisole. Many of these chemicals are not reviewed by independent experts but are instead deemed “safe” by chemical manufacturers, food companies, or industry trade associations. 

At Only Organic, they want to make it easy for the consumer to avoid all these toxic chemicals and simply choose organic. 

In a rare show of unity from a single industry, more than 100 organic sector brands, many of which compete on multiple levels, have come together to support the campaign. Join our vast coalition of support and share this video today!

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Thanks for standing with us, Friend.

Gary Hirshberg
Chairman, Just Label It

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