The political class is bargaining with itself again, which is a sure sign that we’re all about to lose. This week, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) will attempt to ram through a vote on one of two separate “infrastructure” spending packages that would both add many $Trillions more on top of the last 16 months of out-of-control spending. Calling this MADNESS would be an understatement. You and I both know how unsustainable this is, but many in D.C. aren’t getting the message. Americans are suffering under the rampant inflation we’re already seeing on everything from food, to fuel, to lumber, and more. While this news may be welcomed by some investors, the majority of Americans are having their wealth stolen through this inflation -- and the out-of-control spending by Congress is very much to blame. The reality is the cost of living is rising much more quickly now than incomes are and it’s pushing us quickly toward an even worse economic collapse than 2008. It’s time to DEMAND your U.S. Senators vote against each and every one of these bloated and ridiculous bills that will only accelerate us toward widespread financial ruin. Sign the postcard to your U.S. Senators! Then, please consider a donation of $25, $50, or whatever you can afford to help your Campaign for Liberty put a stop to this madness. The Big Spenders in D.C. think they have us on the ropes and we’ll accept another spending boondoggle in the $Trillions as our ticket out of the financial catastrophe of the past year. Patriot, what could be even more destructive than the spending is the fact that the “compromise” infrastructure bill and President Biden’s “human infrastructure” bill are being used as a Trojan Horse to usher in the Green New Deal and the Great Reset, which are both designed to destroy small business and individual rights . . . forever! We are headed in the wrong direction and quickly. The Greenies in the Senate are even trying to completely wipe out the Fossil Fuel industry through these bills. In an interview with The Hill, Sen. Ben Ray Luján (D-NM) said he expects a 100% Green Energy Standard to be part of this spending bill: “My goal is to get to 100 percent clean electricity as soon as possible. President Biden’s goal
is to be doing it by 2035.” Make no mistake -- this will fully destroy the economy and render us unable to produce enough energy to keep our society as we know it intact. This would be a complete disaster! That’s why I’m urging you to sign your postcard to demand your U.S. Senators oppose BOTH infrastructure spending bills at once -- sign the card at once! Once you do, please consider a donation of $25, $50, or as much as you can afford so we can keep the pressure on the Senate to stop this runaway spending spree of YOUR money. Splashed throughout the Biden infrastructure scam is forced unionism and giveaways to fatcats through mandatory collective bargaining across a broad spectrum of fields that have never been under the thumb of unions. What does this have to do with infrastructure? Patriot, this is cronyism at its absolute worst! The Biden administration is desperate to get the absolute worst of the worst of their agenda rammed through, with the help of Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, who will gladly tuck it all away in a massive spending bill that nobody will even have time to read before voting on it! The fact of the matter is nobody really knows what will be in the final “compromise” infrastructure bill once it’s dropped on the Senate in a mad dash to push it through. But we do know provisions of “The Green New Deal” are expected, including: >> Forcing states and utilities to phase out fossil fuels, even after we witnessed massive and extended power
outages in Texas this year because of over-reliance on wind and solar power. >> ”Re-engineering” our nationwide power grid to banish fossil fuels by 2035, even though they currently make up 50% of our electricity generation. >> Paying out $40 billion to a Dislocated Workers Program and $10 billion “Civilian Climate Corps” when the policy costs tens of thousands of jobs -- just like the shutdown of the Keystone XL Pipeline did. >> $213 billion to tear down, rebuild, or retrofit existing buildings and dwellings. >> An additional $40 billion in spending on public housing for things like energy efficient lightbulbs. We can’t afford any of this and it will all but guarantee long-term economic ruin for our country. Sign the postcard to your U.S. Senators and demand they stop this now! ![]() You and I must oppose ALL of these infrastructure deals, whether it’s the Biden Plan, the counterproposal, or anything in between. Any plan they come up with will be loaded with unprecedented amounts of pork-barrel spending. Your U.S. Senators must hear from you at once, because this bill is very likely to come up this week. They’re trying to keep us guessing, but the clear answer is NO to any of their disastrous spending! For Liberty, ![]() Ron Paul Chairman P.S. The political class has already spent $Trillion of our money after mandating that the economy shut down. Now they’ll stop at nothing to keep their endless scam going by calling it “infrastructure.” Sign the postcard to your U.S. Senators at once. Then, please consider a generous donation of $25 $50, or as much as you can afford at once. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. ________________________________________________ The mission
of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free
markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization.