Less than one month ago, Ground Game started its first petition program in Austin, to decriminalize marijuana and stop no-knock warrants.


Dear friend,

Less than one month ago, Ground Game started its first petition program in Austin, to decriminalize marijuana and stop no-knock warrants. As we’ve shared with you, this is only the beginning of a broader strategy to put popular issues on city ballots as a way to excite public interest and boost voter turnout.

So far, the results have been amazing! Our team of staff and volunteers have collected over 500 signatures a day in Austin. The community has been immensely supportive — businesses, community organizations, and countless individuals are helping the cause. Under Texas election law, we have up to 180 days to collect the signatures we need. At our current rate, we’ll be done in less than 60!

Help Ground Game Texas finish this Austin petition strong. This is just the first step — we want to boost voter turnout across Texas in 2022. Will you chip in today?

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Our theory is that issues like marijuana decriminalization and banning no-knock warrants will excite new voters. And so far, that’s proving true! Just take the “Free the Weed” concert hosted by Ground Game Texas last Wednesday night, at the Spider House Ballroom in Austin. Over 300 people turned out to hear music from local musical artists — and to sign our petition!

Washington Post: 'Democrats need a winning message. We propose: Workers, wages, and weed.'

Our programs are bringing young people into politics in new and innovative ways. We’re holding events like the concert on Wednesday, that generated hundreds of new petition signatures and dozens of new volunteers. We’re recruiting petition signers from all walks of life, many of whom are not engaged in local elections. And we’re also hiring some great young organizers, who will continue to do great work for both Ground Game and the broader community.

Washington Post: 'Democrats need a winning message. We propose: Workers, wages, and weed.'

This work isn’t easy, but we are learning a lot and have had some great successes already. We hope you will continue to support this work. It has so much potential to galvanize local progressive movements in cities across Texas.

With your support, we will change Texas. Please consider making a contribution today to Ground Game Texas. Every bit of support helps!

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Thank you for being with us.

Julie Oliver and Mike Siegel