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19 July 2021
Today's Top Links
Military Times | Health equity for women, minority veterans can be achieved only through choice
Veterans who have earned health care benefits deserve to get high quality care and timely access that meets their needs. But we continue to see in media reports and congressional testimony that the Department of Veterans Affairs remains a significant barrier to care — especially for low-income, female and minority veterans.

Washington Examiner | The US should rethink its military presence across the Middle East
After nearly 20 years, the last U.S. troops have finally left Bagram Airfield, America’s hub of operations in Afghanistan. President Joe Biden was right to bring our troops home — the war in Afghanistan no longer served our core interests and was opposed by the vast majority of Americans. As we end America’s longest war and consider our deployments elsewhere during the Global Force Posture Review, the president should recognize the declining importance of the Middle East to American interests and scale back our military presence.
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