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Monday, July 19th, 2021

The Demonization of the Unvaxxed

Karen Hunt

Might Covid Injections Reduce Lifespan?

Dr. Joseph Mercola

South Africa — The First Country Built on ‘Critical Race Theory’ — Officially Implodes


Beware of the Modernizers

Allan Stevo

The Political Phenomenon That Is Trump Worship

Gary D. Barnett

Why NSA vs Tucker Carlson Is an Alarm Bell For All Americans

James Bovard

Biden’s Policy on Cuba Reveals Itself

Ramona Wadi

Now They Are Saying That the Republican Party Is the #1 National Security Threat to the United States of America’

Michael Snyder

Trying To Put All America Behind

Edward Curtin

The US Government Threatens Tech Companies To Push Censorship Agendas

Caitlin Johnstone

No One Has a ‘Fair Share’ of Taxes

Brian McGlinchey

Why They Hate Natural Law

Bionic Mosquito

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