Imagine if they were promoting white supremacy or counter-jihad exhortations - they'd be hung in the public square.
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

For more information on any post below, click through to read the full article on our website.

Toronto District School Board Reinstates Staff Member Who Promoted Terror, Antisemitism
Imagine if they were promoting anti-BLM terror or counter-jihad ideas- they'd be hung in the public square.

Now imagine if this hateful propaganda was directed towards any other minority group. This school board member would be ostracized ...

Antifa Violently Clashes With Police Outside Los Angeles Spa Following Transgender Disrobing Incident
Crime is rampant in many of America's iconic cities. Criminals are exploiting the policies of Leftist mayors and district attorneys who are soft on crime. It's horrendous. How frightening it must be to be a cop in America.

Police clash with ...

Islamic ‘Religious Obligation’: UK Mosque Leader Charged With Inciting, Instigating Terrorism
Wait, what? I thought we were supposed to respect Islamic texts and teachings.

“I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieved, so strike [them] upon the necks and strike from them every fingertip.” Quran 8:12


PRESIDENT Trump Says Arizona Election Hearing Shows Enough ‘Fraud and Voting Irregularities’ to Change Election Outcome
There will be no problem documenting and demonstrating the theft. Redress is the question. And we mean to get it.

Trump Says Arizona Election Hearing Shows Enough ‘Fraud and Voting Irregularities’ to Change Election Outcome

Former ...

TURNING POINT: Wisconsin Lawmaker Calls for ‘Full Forensic Audit’ After Georgia, Arizona Updates
Trump won. Biden is illegitimate.

Every state that stopped counting after midnight and proceeded to dropped hundreds of thousands of Biden votes in the middle of the night must be audited. The survival of our great Republic hangs in the balance ...

Iranian Official Crows About Biden Regime’s Weakness
The vultures are circling. The man in the White House is a puppet suffering from dementia, the Vice President is a cackling nonentity, and the world sees America’s weak and divided state. On Iranian TV on the day after America’s Independence ...

Teachers Union President Attacks DeSantis, ‘MILLIONS WILL DIE!!!,’ Gets Slammed
Nuts. And these crackpots are in charge. Worse still, they are radicalizing and destroying our children and their ability to think.

Teachers Union’ President Attacks DeSantis, ‘Millions Will Die,’ Gets Slammed, Offers Only ...

Fans, Players Flee Nationals Park After Gunshots Ring Out During Game
The Democrat mayor of Washington DC has a history (here, here, here) of being lenient toward criminals. The result is skyrocketing violent crime. As of May of 2021, homicides have increased by 43 percent over 2020 in the nation's capital. ...

Hunter Biden Prosecutor Avoided Moves That Would Have Revealed Probe Sooner
The media, the election fraud, COVID panic-mongering, Hunter's press protection — Trump didn't stand a chance.

Hunter Biden Prosecutor Avoided Moves That Would Have Revealed Probe Sooner

By Jeffrey Rodack, Newsmax, July 16, 2021: ...


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