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Friend --
The last 24 hours have been both heartbreaking and alarming for all
of us. DC has experienced two shootings that highlight in different
ways the traumatic and cruel nature of gun violence. I'm reaching out
today to share the latest information I have for both, and to share
the bigger picture of what the Council and the Mayor have been working
toward on both responding to and working to prevent gun violence.
This is going to be a long update specific to violence prevention.
I've heard from enough neighbors in the past few days who want more
information that I wanted to share something more broadly. Look for a
regular newsletter update this week as well as I share some major
changes coming to the city's public health response and next year's
The Latest
On Friday night around 11 pm, someone opened fire from a car at a
group of people in the Congress Heights neighborhood and killed
six-year-old Nyiah Courtney and injured five others -- a mass shooting
by any definition. An MPD cruiser was parked within a block with its
lights on as a deterrent, yet the shooters felt bold enough to proceed
anyway. I've been in touch with the Deputy Mayor for Public Safety and
Justice several times since then. Any loss of life is horrific, but
the murder of a child is even more devastating. MPD
needs the community’s help in its investigation so that these
individuals are held accountable. The
business where the shooting took place has been temporarily shut
Then last night, there was a separate shooting just outside of
Nationals Park that wounded several people. This took place during the
Nationals game, and as you've no doubt seen, the shots were loud and
close enough that fans and players feared an active shooter was inside
the stadium. I was on the phone with MPD Commander for that area
within minutes of it occurring; officers were on scene on the block
when the shooting happened - allowing them to quickly recover one of
the vehicles and render aid to an individual that was injured. It was
a very scary situation as fans sought shelter, and children looked to
their parents for protection. I want to thank everyone for checking on
each other and reaching out to my office for updates. Like many of
you, I had friends at the game (or maybe you were there yourself). I
was texting with a friend who quickly worked to comfort scared
children in her section, and other friends that navigated the panic
with children and neighbors. Tens of thousands of people experienced
this trauma together. Gun violence doesn’t just happen in one part of
the District; it impacts us all, and we all have a role to play in
ending it. Last night painfully drove this home for many. We tried to
work quickly to get word into the ballpark that there was no "active
shooter" as some believed. This
morning MPD has released photos seeking a car involved in the shooting
and we need help to ensure these shooters are held
Both of these shootings are unacceptable. With MPD on the scene so
quickly, I hope we will see accountability for these brazen and
reckless people soon. But in both instances, the trauma has already
spread into the community - among neighbors nearby in Congress Heights
as well as neighbors in Southwest and Navy Yard and for the thousands
at the ballpark who feared they were caught in a mass shooting.
Of course, we all want to stop the violence. Every parent shudders
at the thought of losing their child to gun violence. How do we
prevent someone from getting to the point they're willing to pull the
trigger indiscriminately and recklessly? How do we stop the murder of
our children and create community spaces where we can all feel safe
and enjoy together? It's going to take a lot of hard work, with
partnership between the government and the community. So let me share
some of the action already underway.
Action to Reduce, and Stop, Shootings
Gun violence infects communities and spreads just like a disease.
It has very specific causes: trauma, hopelessness, despair, poor
conflict resolution skills, scarcity of community and economic
resources, racism, and availability of firearms from other
jurisdictions with weak gun laws, among others. Accountability must
happen when someone pulls a trigger and does harm to our community.
And to make lasting change, it’s also important to identify the causes
to reduce – and importantly, *prevent* – the relatively small group of
people who commit serious gun crimes from pulling the trigger. And
that small group isn't limited to a fixed number of people - it’s a
systemic challenge that requires systemic and strategic responses to
address it. That means government, community, and family-based
solutions that require legislation, government investments, and
community organizing.
This begins at the top. Last year, I created the position of Gun
Violence Prevention Director, based in the City Administrator's
office. The point of this position is to place the onus on preventing
gun violence above any one specific agency, and ensure a whole of
government response. In this year's budget, I've funded the creation
of a citywide strategic gun violence plan, incorporating every agency
and tool within government.
Too often, we let government work in silos and everyone points to
one agency (often MPD) for anything public safety-related. MPD
certainly has a major role to play, but they can't do it alone. And in
many cases, they are there to respond after violence has already taken
We need a whole government response because this should be
everyone's responsibility. That
new effort began a few months ago - it's called Building Blocks
DC, and while it's still new, it's targeting its efforts on the blocks
and with the people where we see most shootings taking place. For my
neighbors in Southwest, we've been working together for years to curb
ongoing violence near the ballpark in neighborhoods that have long
needed greater investment. Building Blocks DC, when it is fully up and
running, can be part of that investment.
On Tuesday, the Council will hold the first of two votes on next
year's budget. There's a lot from the Committee
on the Judiciary and Public Safety focused specifically on gun
violence prevention, much of which was recommended by the Mayor in
partnership in her budget proposal. That includes a 172 percent
increase in the amount of funding to the Office of Neighborhood Safety
and Engagement, one of DC's main violence intervention and prevention
agencies. It is incredibly urgent to get more support for the city's
limited violence prevention efforts.
Our violence interruption efforts, which take a targeted approach
working in areas with ongoing violence, have shown promise in reducing
that violence in the neighborhoods where violence interrupters are
working and building relationships. In the budget we're about to vote
upon, I've included funding that takes their work even further by
helping them meet the needs of people most at-risk of committing a
violent act or being the victim of one before it's too late. This
includes housing, access to counseling and job training, and more. This
Post article from a few years ago gives you an idea what the work
is like on the ground, though it has expanded since then.
We know most gun violence is
committed by a small number of individuals from a small number of
blocks, and it’s very often targeted. That calls for incredibly
specific interventions. Our Pathways Program is a wrap-around program
that focuses on very vulnerable individuals who are at high risk of
becoming victims of gun violence or committing it, and works with them
intensively. If you want to get a better sense of that program, this
video lays out the work and the people behind it. That program is
doubling in the budget the Council will approve Tuesday.
Similarly, we've stood up a hospital-based violence interruption
program across the city that works to break the cycle of violence,
beginning in the emergency room when someone arrives with a gun or
knife wound consistent with violence (such as the two people that
walked into an ER with gunshot wounds last night). This kind of
intervention, at the person-to-person level, at the moment of crisis,
can have huge benefits. A lot of our violent crime is driven by cycles
of violence as people choose to retaliate and find justice on their
own rather than through the courts. Restoring faith that the criminal
justice system can deliver justice is an important part of undermining
the cycle of violence.
The budget for MPD remains far and away the largest in our public
safety cluster and this budget funds the new Chief's priorities.
Violence interruption work is not meant to replace or replicate
policing. It is meant to prevent someone from pulling the trigger so
that police never have to get involved. I know some people have a
natural reaction to call for more police in the aftermath of violence
-- but please bear in mind that officers were very near both locations
when the shootings happened, and yet the shooters felt bold enough to
go ahead and open fire. That's why this cannot be a solution that
rests solely on MPD and needs the whole of government to own this
challenge and work toward the solutions we all need.
Our laws are incredibly strong around guns and violent crimes. Yes,
there will always need to be accountability. But if we are serious
about reducing violent crime in our community for good, we have to
recognize that the threat of serious jail time and the certainty of
punishment aren't always enough. Given the historic inequities within
both our city and our nation, it's no surprise. Generations of people
have lived in underinvested communities where the same doors to
opportunity were not open to them as to others. As we wrestle with how
to come out of a pandemic that has truly, and I cannot emphasize this
enough, destabilized thousands of our neighbors, we really need to
understand the limits that come with policing and punishment alone,
and the extremely harmful effects of mass incarceration.
As we, as a community, wrestle with the right amount of focus on
both prevention and accountability, don't forget this is not an
"either/or" conversation, it must be "both/and."
The National
Finally, because DC is
not an island, I want to expand out on a few points to put what we are
experiencing within a national context.
First, most US cities are experiencing an increase in
violent crime. As this piece from the Post noted in February, DC
has seen less of an increase than many other places. I'm not sure
there's been a clear consensus yet on what is driving this national
increase, but there's no doubt in my mind the uneven way the pandemic
has upended people's lives and the ongoing trauma of so much personal
and economic loss have a lot to do with it.
The increase in the homicide spike we’ve been experiencing in our
city is just starting to slow, and we're slightly behind where we were
last year at this time as I write this. But we – and cities across the
country -- are still well above where we have been in the past decade.
The Council and Executive branch are working with our counterparts to
understand the scope of the challenge and the most effective ways to
turn the tide. And I'll add that it's important to note that one
section of our criminal justice system is outside of our local
government and control. Unlike other parts of the country, most
prosecutions of our gun laws as well as the Courts where cases are
held are operated federally, not by the local government. This means
we need a full partnership, but as we saw last week learning about
decisions to reduce Court supervision due to federal budget
constraints, DC officials weren't treated like the full partners we
need to be.
Second, there are simply too many guns that are too easy to obtain
illegally. DC's laws are quite strong on gun ownership and possession.
Federal reports from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms find
year after year that the majority of guns used in a crime can be
traced back to other eastern seaboard states with looser gun laws. I
agree with my colleague, Councilmember
Christina Henderson, that we need federal leadership here and
greater regional coordination. A few years ago, I helped create the District's
Red Flag Law as a way to get guns out of the hands of people
dangerous to themselves or others, and I've since worked with the
Mayor to ban ghost guns and increase criminal penalties for items like
extended magazines on guns. But we have very little power to stop guns
at the source, and it's a real problem in our efforts.
How to Get
I'll close with this: I know first-hand the frustrating pain
that settles in after a traumatic and horrible shooting. I understand
you don't want to just go about your day and you may want to find a
way to channel that frustration into action. I'd like to
suggest a few community organizations that could use your voice and
support, and will offer you ways to get better informed on what's
I want to thank you for taking the time to read this. I know it is
frustrating, and traumatizing to see these horrible acts. I hope you
can join me in moving forward, and improving as we go, a plan that
sees accountability for those that do harm in our city, and also gets
at the underlying causes of gun violence to stop the cycle from going
round and round.
Charles Allen
