Congratulations to Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Duflo, & Michael Kremer.
Dear IPA partners, supporters, researchers, and friends,

Yesterday, IPA-affiliates Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Duflo, and Michael Kremer were named co-winners of the 2019 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences for their “experimental approach to alleviating global poverty.”

We want to congratulate Abhijit, Esther (yes, Annie's sister!), and Michael on this well-deserved accolade. They were the early pioneers of randomized evaluations in the field of development—bringing rigor into the sector and inspiring hundreds, if not thousands, of others to continue in their path. Esther & Abhijit were also Dean's PhD advisors and founding board members of IPA, and along with the large network of researchers they have created, these Nobel laureates have generated evidence that has benefitted millions of people living in poverty. We are so proud to have supported this movement.

We are also proud of and thankful for the thousands of staff (past and present) and the hundreds of researchers and partners who continue to make this work possible. They have brought both compassion to their work fighting poverty and passion in using strong rigorous tools to learn how best to do it.

The Nobel committee described the Laureates' contribution as transformative for the field:

2019 Nobel Prize Economics Announcement Tweet

Esther is the youngest person and the second woman to receive the Nobel in economics.
2019 Nobel Prize Economics Esther Duflo Quote
The whole IPA & J-PAL extended community has been alive with congratulatory Tweets, WhatsApp messages, and emails. We share a few below.
We hope you will join us in this celebration of their amazing contributions to the field of economics, but most importantly to improving millions of lives.

Warm wishes,

Annie Duflo & Dean Karlan
Executive Director & Founder, IPA

Johannes Haushofer Tweet IPA Kenya Celebrates

Caitlin Tulloch Tweet IPA Kenya Celebrates 2019 Nobel Prize Economics

Dean Karlan Tweet Congratulations 2019 Nobel Prize Economics

Chris Udry Tweet Congratulations 2019 Nobel Prize Economics 

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