Just as President Biden was taking office, the leftists in Congress went on the attack against all Americans who don’t subscribe to their corporate fascist political ideology. They introduced a bill, H.R. 350, that turned the surveillance state -- created by the Patriot Act 20 years ago -- completely inward on us while renaming political dissenters. You just might be a “Domestic Violent Extremists” or DVE, according to them. The FBI is now demanding you monitor your family members, because they too could be potential violent “terrorists.” ![]() And if that complete hatred of the public by the political class wasn’t enough, Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has now launched her very own nationwide “Capitol Police” Brown Shirt force, in cities across the country . . . totally controlled by her of course! They’ll even be using military grade surveillance technology to spy on innocent people without a warrant, and none of their work is subject to public records requests. Who is paying for all this? I’m sure you know the answer to that question! And then there's this. According to the Washington Times: Defense Secretary Lloyd
Austin recently approved a Capitol Police request for eight Persistent Surveillance Systems Ground - Medium (PSSG-M) units. The system provides
high-definition surveillance video and is enabled with night vision.
This is how major domestic crack downs, round ups, and even civil unrest get started. “This technology will be integrated with existing USCP camera infrastructure, providing greater high-definition surveillance capacity to meet steady-state mission requirements and help identify emerging threats,” the Pentagon said. Patriot, I thought things were dire before, but this is an attempt to obliterate the ENTIRE Bill of Rights, and it won’t be easy to stop. This is critical! Without your generous donation of $25, $75, $150, or more, I’m afraid we simply will NOT have the resources to continue on at full strength in the fight against Biden’s army of spies. >>> They’re cracking
down on political dissent and calling your thoughts “violent.” >>> Nancy Pelosi is sending an unaccountable Brown Shirt army of Capitol Police to your neighborhood, complete with military grade spy technology. >>> Joe Biden has re-launched the “See Something Say Something” snitch line to encourage neighbors to report on each other in a Stasi-style manner. >>> The FBI is telling Americans they must watch and monitor their own family for signs of “violent extremism.” Even Tucker Carlson of Fox News reports he is being spied on by the NSA for merely attempting to book an interview with a foreign head of state for his cable news show. Tucker learned from a whistleblower this month that he was unmasked and has had his email inbox live-monitored, without a warrant or any justification. If coming after political dissenters wasn’t enough, now the media is being spied on and bullied for merely trying to book a publicly televised interview. The NSA even leaked his emails to other members of the press! Undoubtedly, they’re the “journalists” who toe the line of the D.C. statists. Patriot, this has gone way too far . . . where does it all end? Just like the creeping tyranny on other fronts, this TOTAL DOMESTIC CRACKDOWN is rooting in the failures of the political class to sell us on their ideas. They know their policies are failing across the board and we are in the right, no matter what names they come up with to brand us with. Patriot, 2021 has been a year filled with the most brazen attacks on the Bill of Rights I have ever seen, and despite mounting defeats, the D.C. statists who are pushing for one party rule and an end to civil liberties will not bat an eye. In the face of their hubris, I am asking you to dig deep and contribute $25, $75, $150, or more if you can afford it. It’s critical to stopping this runaway agenda by Biden and the far left. ![]() If the political class has to turn the FBI, DHS, Capitol Police, and the NSA against the American public, while destroying every civil liberty we have, what does that say about them? It seems like the only friends they have left are the Big Tech oligarchs who do their dirty work, while cracking down on free speech. And we now know Big Tech is helping out at the request of the government by reading private text messages and censoring social media posts that don’t fit the Deep State’s narrative. I think it’s time we make our voices heard and tell Congress they need to side with the people and stop allowing the Bill of Rights to be destroyed by these corporate fascists and out-of-control authoritarians. For Liberty, ![]() Ron Paul, M.D. Chairman P.S. I’ve been fighting the surveillance state for decades -- whether it’s been pushing back against The Patriot Act, it’s just as bad and poorly named successor, The USA Freedom Act, and outlandish abuses by the FBI, NSA, and other “intelligence” agencies. They are all upping their anti-constitutional activities, and you and I must put a stop to them NOW. Please stand with me and other lovers of liberty to put the political class and their Brown Shirt police forces in their place. Liberty will ultimately prevail, but not without you and me facing some tough battles. Many eyes need to be opened, and Campaign for Liberty is keeping the brushfires of liberty burning. Let’s make 2021 a historic year. Please consider a generous donation now. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. ________________________________________________ The
mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money,
free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization.