Dear John, It is a turbulent week in DC! You’re invited to join CODEPINK at Women’s Moral March on Washington on 7/19, to stand against the US embargo of Cuba on 7/25, and to stand in solidarity with drone whistleblower Daniel Hale at his sentencing on 7/27. What: Women’s Moral March on Washington w/
the Poor People’s Campaign What: DC Rally to support Cuban-American
"Miami to DC" Walkers calling for an end to US blockade of
Cuba What: Sentencing Support & Press
Conference for Daniel Hale July 19th is the anniversary of the historic Seneca Falls Convention in 1848 and a time for women today to join together to demand Congress focus on ensuring our voting rights and economic security, not funding endless wars. Join CODEPINK’s co-founder Jodie Evans and the Poor People’s Campaign at the Supreme Court at 11AM! Carlos Lazo, a Cuban-American school teacher and Iraq war veteran, has been on a 1,300 mile pilgrimage -- with six other Cuban Americans—all the way from Miami! He will arrive in Washington, DC to present the Biden Administration with a petition signed by over 25,000 calling for an end to the U.S. blockade and demanding an end to the embargo on Cuba. While you wait for the event, make sure to sign the petition to end the blockade! After calling for an end to the embargo, head over to the sentencing of drone whistleblower Daniel Hale who is facing ten years in prison for violating the Espionage Act. Daniel bravely told the truth about the US drone program, and sending him to prison is not justice. The people responsible for authorizing drone warfare walk free, despite having the blood of countless civilians on their hands. Immediately following the sentencing, meet me and other CODEPINKers outside for a press conference. Leading up to his sentencing make sure to sign the petition asking Daniel’s judge to give him no prison time! These are great opportunities to spring into action against US imperialism and corruption. Women deserve stable voting rights & economic security, Cuba deserves freedom from suffocating sanctions and whistleblowers who expose US war crimes have a right to tell the American people the truth! See you in the
streets, P.S. Tell PBS to stop censuring the truth about China! They must reinstate Dr. Kuhn's documentary, "Voices from the Frontline: China’s War on Poverty"! |
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