Dear John, You are invited to join Tuesday CODEPINK CONGRESS Calling Parties to mobilize peace legislation! Chat with peacemakers and experts on July 20 at 5 pm PT/8 pm ET: Join CODEPINK Congress for film clips and a conversation with Abby Martin, the director of the documentary Gaza Fights for Freedom. Filmed during the height of the 2018 Great March of Return
protests, Gaza Fights for Freedom features exclusive footage of
demonstrators demanding that Palestinian
refugees be allowed to return to their
homeland inside Israel. The documentary
was filmed and produced by journalists within Gaza who
risked their lives each week during the Great March of Return.
FeaturingSpecial co-host Ariel Gold is the national co-director of CODEPINK and a Middle East foreign policy expert. She is well-known for her fearless activism in defense of Palestinian human rights. Abby Martin is a journalist and documentarian. In addition to directing Gaza Fights for Freedom, she hosts the web series The Empire Files and serves on the board of directors of the Media Freedom Foundation. Take Action!
Google Group & Local LeadersJoin our CODEPINK Congress Google Group, a space for sharing events and actions. Request to be added here! Become a CODEPINK Congress liaison in your district to mobilize support for demilitarization and progressive foreign policy! Sign up here as a volunteer organizer. Finally, if you missed last week's meeting, you can view it here on YouTube. View the entire CODEPINK Congress archives here. Onward toward peace and
justice, |
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