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Weekend Edition, July 17-18, 2021

My Noose Is Tightening

Ira Katz

Oliver Stone: ‘There’s Still a Presence Out There Reminding People Not To Speak About JFK’s Killing’


The Reason for the Indoctrination and Dumbing Down of Americans Is Now Obvious: There Is No Pandemic, Only Fear

Gary D. Barnett

Soaring Debts and Plummeting Yields…

David Stockman

The ‘Chip’ in the Brain, Prior to all Other Chips

Jon Rappoport

Biden-Putin Meeting: No to Nuclear War, Yes to Wars That Can Lead to Nuclear War


The Transitory Inflation Ruse

Peter Schiff

Enemies of the People

James Howard Kunstler

Energy Hogs

Eric Peters

Liquidity Crisis: Wells Fargo & Repo Markets Sound Alarms

Matthew Piepenburg

Canadian Doctor: 62% of Patients Vaccinated for Covid Have Permanent Heart Damage

Brian Shilhavy

Bomber Joe Biden Strikes Iraq and Syria: Retaliation Breeds More Incidents

Philip Giraldi

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