The Republican Party of Texas
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott sets July 8 date for special
legislative session on voting bill, other issues
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott sets July
8 date for special legislative session on voting bill, other
John, today marks the start of
the special legislative session . . .
. . . and there is a lot more
work to be done on the Legislative Priorities we set out to pass
at the start of the year.
So, as our Republican legislators
head back to the floor, we would like to know which of our
remaining Legislative Priorities matters most to you?
Securing Religious Freedom
School Choice for All
Monument Protection
Criminal Justice Reform
Banning Child Gender
Ban Taxpayer-Funded Lobbying
Even though our Republican
legislators passed Constitutional Carry and the Heartbeat Act in
the last Legislative Session, there was a lot left to be desired.
And, with control of the State
House, State Senate, and Governor's mansion, we cannot settle for
anything less than complete delivery on these issues.
So, John, will you please take
a moment to let us know which of the Legislative Priorities
matters most to you in this upcoming special legislative session?
The Republican Party of Texas
Paid for and Authorized by
the Republican Party
of Texas
P.O. Box 2206
Austin, TX 78768
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