Amen. Before we take on the Demo-communists we must purge the snakes, turncoats, cowards and traitors to the Republican cause.
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

For more information on any post below, click through to read the full article on our website.

Gov. Ron DeSantis Demands Conservatives ‘Have A Backbone’ In Speech: ‘We Can’t Have Cowardly People…At This Moment In History’

Before we take on the Demo-communists we must purge the snakes, turncoats, cowards and traitors to the Republican cause.

Not one member of GOP leadership has said anything about the Arizona audit. Or the double counted ballots in ...

Fugitive Texas Democrats Committed an Act of Insurrection
Tucker lays it out.

Fox News host Tucker Carlson mocked the 51 Texas Democrats who absconded to Washington on private jets Monday in order to prevent the passage of legislation designed to prevent voter fraud.

Carlson said Tuesday that by ...

Arizona State Senator Demands Biden Electors be Recalled to Arizona and New Election Held Following Thursday’s Stunning Audit Revelations
74,000 more ballots were received and included in the 2020 Election in Maricopa County than were mailed out. Trump only “lost” AZ by 11,000 votes. A shift of just 5501 votes puts AZ. in Trump’s column. Let's do this.

Arizona State Senator ...

CIVIL WAR? 2 In 3 Southern Republicans Want To Secede From Union, 43% Independents Support Secession in Midwest and Great Lakes, And Half of Democrats in Pacific States
Of course. This Northerner would love to see it. And not just me, support for secession is also considerable among independents in the Midwest and Great Lakes regions, where 43 percent say they would favor breaking away and forming their own ...

Florida Boat Owners Attempt Food, Supply Runs to Cuba
Not the communist U.S. government, private citizens are doing this. That's how low the state of the nation has fallen.

FL Boat Owners Attempt Food, Supply Runs to Cuba By Human Events Staff  |  July 15, 2021

Boat owners in Florida are ...

GA Election Expert Uncovers 35,000 Potential Illegal Votes Cast, – Trump Only Lost by 12,670
We need actionable evidence. And then we need action.

Related: WATCH Maricopa Election Audit Hearing: Breach of Computer Systems During 2020 Election, High Vulnerability for Internet Computer Hack, Fraud Ballots On WRONG PAPER STOCK

GA ...

On Anniversary of Nice Truck Jihad, Knife-Wielding Muslim Threats On Train Service in Nice, France “I Am Going To Bleed France”, “For What You Did In Syria”
Nothing to see here folks. But had it been a white Christian male, bloody murder, I tell ya.

Threats On Train Service in Nice, France: “I am going to bleed France”

By: Pegida via News17, July 15, 2021:

This seems to be a daily ...

WOW: One In Five Viewers Stopped Watching CNN’s ☭ Top Hosts Last Week
This is excellent news, but we need to do better. CNN still averages a little over 800k viewers in prime time. This kind of viewership is still large enough for CNN to spread their propaganda to the American people, while generating good ...

LISTEN: Pamela Geller on KTH Radio, “Biden” Admin Admits Policing Posts on Facebook And Having Them Taken Down
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech.

“A country without intellectuals is like a body without a head. And that is precisely the ...

FBI Director, Agents & Bureau to Be Sued Over “Gestapo Tactics” in Crackdown of Jan. 6
“The FBI, as alleged, is being used by the Biden-Harris Justice Department as the administration's and the left's 'personal Gestapo,' to stifle free speech and dissent over the near total leftist, socialist and borderline communist takeover of ...

CAPITOL PROTEST vs BLM RIOTS – Which Caused More Harm?
No contest. What's so frightening is how many Americans have NO CLUE.

CAPITOL RIOT vs BLM RIOTS – Which Caused More Harm? Analysis Opinion | July 12, 2021 | Paul Crespo Orginal Photos By Tyler Merbler(Left) and yashmori (Right) via ...

23 High-Ranking Officials in Biden Administration All Came from the Same Shadowy Firm
Obama's shadow government.

23 High-Ranking Officials in Biden Administration All Came from the Same Shadowy Firm

By: Kyle Becker, July 14, 2021:

Many of the highest-ranking members of the Biden administration came from the same shadowy ...

Ron DeSantis Wants Florida To Provide Internet To Cuba Following Government Shutdown
Governor Ron DeSantis is awesome. The best and most effective governor in America. How incredibly fortunate the people of Florida are to have DeSantis as their governor. DeSantis has made Florida the envy of the nation. He has also transformed ...

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