Texas Senate Passes “Save Women’s Sports” Bills in Special Session

This week the Texas Senate passed S.B. 2 and S.B. 32, the “Save Women’s Sports” bills which defend the rights of women not to be forced to compete against biological males in women’s sports.  Women have fought for a right to equal opportunities, including equal opportunities in sports.  Title IX was designed to stop discrimination and create equal athletic opportunities for women.  These two bills recognize and protect the advances that have been made in the last 50 years for women.

Jonathan Covey, Director of Policy for Texas Values, testified in favor of the bill earlier this week.  He released the following statement:

“Texas Values applauds the Texas Senate for protecting women’s sports from an unfair playing field. Our senators did not kowtow to the liberal agenda to destroy women’s sports by allowing biological males to steal athletic opportunities from girls.  Girls should not be spectators in their own sports.  Girls deserve a fair competition and the opportunity to experience the thrill of victory, which would not be possible with biological males overshadowing them.”   

Read The Press Release >>


Texas Democrats Flee Texas to Avoid Their Civic Duty

Gov. Greg Abbott called for the special session, and in protest over legislative priorities, over 50 Texas Democrats abandoned their duties and ran away from Texas to D.C. The Texas House needs a quorum to vote on legislation and hold committee hearings, but with the Texas Democrats gone the House is very limited on what they can do. Because of this Texas Democrats are hurting Texans from enacting legislation that would save women’s sports, regulate chemical abortions, cut property taxes, improve teacher retirement, secure election integrity, etc. Not only are the democrats making it difficult to pass helpful legislation, but their political theatre is costing Texas taxpayers thousands of dollars every day for them to vacation in D.C.

The Texas House did vote to allow the House Sargent at Arms, working with the Texas Department of Safety, to arrest these deserters and bring them back to the House chamber. To do this, however, a democratic member would have to be within the borders of Texas – hence why many democratic members have left the state. A special session only lasts 30 days and so many Democrats say they will stay out of the state until the special session is over. However, Gov. Greg Abbott has vowed that if the Texas Democrats don’t come back to make a quorum then he will continue to call special session after special session until the next election.

The last time Democratic lawmakers left the state was in 2003, when 11 senators fled to Albuquerque, New Mexico, for 46 days, objecting to redistricting legislation. This time Texas Democrats are running away to D.C. and working with Democratic U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to end the Senate filibuster and federalize our elections. 


Early Bird Tickets Are Available

At the 2021 Texas Faith, Family, & Freedom Forum you will hear from leaders from across the state and nation as they discuss family values in public policy - including life, marriage, religious freedom, and human sexuality.
You will also be educated by the leading experts in family policy in the legislature, courts, and media while being inspired by Texans just like you who are advancing pro-family values in the culture. More exciting speakers and news will be announced soon!



"Churches Are Essential" Bills Signing

Texas Values Policy Director, Jonathan Covey, attended a signing for the religious freedom bills (HB 1239, HB 525, SJR 27, and SB 581) that were passed during the Legislative Session earlier this year.

Last Week on Texas Values Report

Rep. Mayes Middleton on the Texas Values Report

On this week's show, host Jonathan Saenz was joined by the Freedom Caucus Chairman, Rep. Mayes Middleton. Rep. Middleton discussed the Freedom Caucus's priorities in the Special Session including but not limited to election integrity, save women's sports, and the possibility for prohibiting gender modification. You will want to hear Rep. Middleton reveal important information on the special session and what to look forward to. Listen here.


Texas Values is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. Copyright © 2021 Texas Values, All rights reserved.



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