October 15, 2019
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October 15, 2019
RENEWAMERICA STAFF ? On August 12, Callan Stone submitted to the Utah Supreme Court a formal Reply to Respondent's opposition to his Petition for a Writ of Certiorari... (more)

October 14, 2019
Kurdish forces in Syria are in reality Marxist terrorists
CLIFF KINCAID ? Despite what you may have heard, America's Kurdish "allies" are not our friends. They are mostly Marxists. The founder of their movement was trained by the KGB. They are not worth one drop of American blood.In the same away that President Barack Hussein Obama supported Al Qaeda in Libya, leading to the Benghazi massacre, he armed the PKK/YPG Kurdish forces in Syria, who are in reality Marxist terrorists.... (more)

October 14, 2019
Speech at Notre Dame, recorded by WNDU
WNDU ? United States Attorney General William Barr spoke at Notre Dame Law School about religious freedom Friday. Law students, the De Nicola Center for Ethics and Culture group, and invited guests listened to Barr speak. For the last five decades, Barr said religion has been under attack, adding the secular culture is growing.... (more)

October 14, 2019
NATIONAL REVIEW ? LGBT activists gathered last week for CNN's "Equality" town hall with the Democratic presidential candidates. The advocates present were, in the words of Human Rights Campaign President Alphonso David, the "tip of the spear in our fight for full equality." The "spear" metaphor grew more apt as the night went on.... (more)

October 14, 2019
BYRON YORK ? A week ago, House Republicans complained that Democrats imposed excessive secrecy on interviews conducted as part of the drive to impeach President Trump. Now, the situation appears to have gotten worse.... (more)

October 14, 2019
NEWSMAX ? The Fox News poll that said 51 percent of voters surveyed supported impeaching President Donald Trump didn't properly represent Republican and Independent voters, according to a New York Post analysis. The news outlet said the party-affiliation breakdown was incorrect, and suggested a poll weighted with the new numbers would have concluded that just 44.9 percent favored impeachment compared with the 44.4 percent who opposed it.... (more)

October 14, 2019
Employees complain boss has them focused on undermining president
WORLDNETDAILY ? Undercover journalist James O'Keefe's Project Veritas released a video Monday it describes as evidence of CNN President Jeff Zucker's "personal vendetta" against President Trump. The video features Cary Poarch, a satellite uplink technician for the network for two years who says he recently agreed to wear a hidden camera "to expose the bias" at the network.... (more)

October 14, 2019
YAHOO NEWS ? Pro-democracy protesters hauled a four-metre statue known as "Lady Liberty" to the top of a famous Hong Kong mountain early Sunday, announcing the peak would be its "final resting place". The statue depicts a female protester in a gas mask, protective goggles and helmet, an umbrella in one hand and a black flag in the other, proclaiming the protest slogan "Liberate Hong Kong, revolution of our times".... (more)

October 14, 2019
REUTERS ? Almost 400 scientists have endorsed a civil disobedience campaign aimed at forcing governments to take rapid action to tackle climate change, warning that failure could inflict "incalculable human suffering."... (more)

October 13, 2019
WASHINGTON EXAMINER ? Jane Fonda has been arrested, again. But don't worry, she did it for your future. The actress recently moved to Washington D.C., so she can get arrested a few dozen times over the next several months in order to protest climate change. Like she did on Friday, she'll be waiting on the steps of the Capitol for police officers to take her away.... (more)

October 13, 2019
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON ? Imagine . . . If in early 2015, some White House staffers transcribing confidential presidential calls were disturbed about one conversation that President Obama had with Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif. The two allegedly had confidentially discussed the staggered release of some $1.7 billion in withheld U.S. dollars to Iran -- as an understood exchange for the release of 4 American hostages, $400 million of which was to be delivered, in an unmarked cargo plane at night, and in various currencies to Tehran.... (more)

October 13, 2019
WORLDNETDAILY ? A judge who helped open a Planned Parenthood abortion business in San Francisco has been censoring testimony this week in a $16 million lawsuit by Planned Parenthood. The civil claim is against David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt for their undercover videos in 2015 exposing Planned Parenthoods profiting from the sale of baby body parts.... (more)

October 11, 2019
NEWSMAX ? Attorney General William Barr on Friday reportedly blamed secularism for problems plaguing the country, including drugs, violence and poor mental health. In a speech that focused on the role of religion in law at Notre Dame's law school, Barr lamented "the bitter results of the new secular age," The Hill reported.... (more)

October 11, 2019
NEWSMAX ? Former Vice President Joe Biden had a professional tie with the whistleblower who filed a complaint against President Donald Trump alleging he improperly pressured Ukraine's leader to investigate a political rival, reports The Washington Examiner.... (more)

October 11, 2019
PJ MEDIA ? Earlier this week, Biden campaign spokeswoman Kate Bedingfield attempted to defend the Biden family's shady business dealings in Ukraine while Joe was vice president, and ended up implicating Barack Obama instead.... (more)

October 11, 2019
Have elected Republicans more than Dems; still strong for Trump
WALL STREET JOURNAL ? At a time of deep political division in the American electorate, a small group of counties across the nation has shown extraordinary political flexibility, voting for the winner in every presidential election since 1980.... (more)

October 11, 2019
NATIONAL REVIEW ? Another federal judge ruled against President Trump's use of a "national emergency" declaration to divert funds for the construction of a border wall on Friday, finding the use of an emergency proclamation "unlawful" because it violated a Congressional budgeting measure from January.... (more)

October 10, 2019
JERRY NEWCOMBE ? An atheist group has filed a complaint against a judge in Dallas, Texas, who supposedly violated their understanding of church and state relations. The black judge (Tammy Kemp) presided over the racially-charged trial of the white ex-police officer (Amber Guyger) who was sentenced last week to prison for ten years because she shot and killed an innocent black man (Botham Jean). Guyger thought Jean had broken into her apartment. It turns out she mistakenly was in his apartment.... (more)

October 10, 2019
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON ? What do the Kavanaugh hearings, Jussie Smollett, the Covington kids, the Mueller investigation, and now the Trump phone call all have in common? Staged melodrama, media collusion hysteria, progressive demands that justice be served immediately, promises of walls-are-closing-in blockbuster revelations from new witnesses, supposed surprise revelatory documents, fusions between Democratic politicians and Washington bureaucrats -- and then bust, nada, and teeth-gnashing as the truth catches up to various rumor-mongers.... (more)

October 10, 2019
YOUTUBE ? John Solomon DROPS BOMB: Info Omitted from Whistleblower Report - Ukraine was Re-Opening Probe into Hunter Biden's Company in February... (more)

October 10, 2019
Wants Nancy Pelosi to 'stop now before she destroys the country'
WORLDNETDAILY ? U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., charges House Democrats are on the verge of destroying America with their campaign to impeach President Trump over what the White House contends was a routine phone call with a foreign leader.... (more)

October 10, 2019
WASHINGTON EXAMINER ? The federal prosecutor running the Justice Department's review of the origins of the Russia investigation has expanded the inquiry that critics have panned as an effort to discredit special counsel Robert Mueller's work.... (more)

October 10, 2019
WASHINGTON EXAMINER ? Rep. Devin Nunes said lawmakers have been told about "strange requests" to use government resources to monitor journalists. The top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee stressed Wednesday evening that he has not confirmed the allegations but is seeking answers from the State Department.... (more)

October 10, 2019
EDDIE SCARRY ? President Trump says he's serious about fighting the House Democrats' impeachment sham. If so, there's only one thing he needs to do right now: devote every resource to outing the whistleblower.... (more)

October 9, 2019
FOX NEWS ? The White House outlined in a defiant eight-page letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and top Democrats on Tuesday why it will not participate in their "illegitimate and unconstitutional" impeachment inquiry, charging that the proceedings have run roughshod over congressional norms and the president's due-process rights.... (more)

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