We’re just 1 month away from a mass gerrymandering nightmare — the day when state politicians across America will start rigging voting maps and hijack our elections for another 10 years.
Congress needs to pass the For the People Act before August 16th to stop this outrageous plan from becoming a reality. But after flying through the House and through a Senate committee, BAM – the Act got stuck by the filibuster.
Today, we're launching a brand new video that tells the truth about the filibuster and explains why we can’t let it poison our political system. Check out our video on the filibuster now and share it with your friends and family so they can learn the truth too.

John, the voting rights of millions of Americans are hanging in the balance. It's unacceptable that a fluke of the Senate is stopping Congress from saving our democracy. We have to pass the For the People Act by any means necessary — and that means getting through the filibuster.
And we don't like to do anything boring, so our new video isn’t just a comprehensive walk-through of all things modern filibuster, it's also funny.
Will you watch and share our new video right now to let your friends and family know why the Senate has to get past the filibuster to pass the For the People Act?
Thank you,
Jen Johnson Movement Director RepresentUs