Cubans are protesting in the streets. 

Long-time advocate for self-government, Varrin Swearingen writes, “In one tweet, the New York Times admits government is anti-freedom and socialism doesn't meet basic needs.”

It's really hard to believe media reports that Cuban citizens are chanting "More Vaccines!" After all, doesn't communism provide healthcare? 

It's far more likely they're engaged in the summer pastime of protest. And they're shouting "Liberty!"

Do you support the Cuban protest? How far should it go? Can they riot or vandalize? Do you believe this display would be noble if it manages to topple the government?  😉

Here at home... 

One crowd protests official election results by invading the capitol.

In major cities, people march in the streets, and riots ensue over police abuses, including murder. 


Are your beliefs consistent?

What is your philosophy on...  

- Civil disobedience?
- Kneeling instead of standing for the flag? 
- Property damage in protest?
- Tearing down monuments?
- The use of force to protect property?

The Advocates for Self-Government has taken its famous Political Map (Nolan Chart) and applied it in an imaginative way to create... 


Single Issue Surveys

Here, you can discover whether your views are Progressive, Moderate, Conservative, or Libertarian. 

I want to encourage you to do two things, right now... 

First, press the button and take the Single Issue Survey for... 

Civil Disobedience

When you're done, you'll not only see where you land on the Political Test, but you'll also discover how others are scoring - both overall and for every single question. You can see the results right away and we'll offer you a chance to have them emailed to you. 

Second, choose TWO friends and email them a link to the survey. 

We have a goal of... 


One Million in Twenty-One

That's 1 million completed quizzes and surveys in 2021. The objective is for 1 million people to discover their political home.

That’s tens of thousands of new libertarian prospects!

Right now, try the Single Issue Survey on Civil Disobedience for yourself. Please Share it with two friends. 

And if you cannot think of two friends to share with, then please help our advertising budget. We’ll go find the people. 

Sustaining Members provide automated monthly pledges. They give us stability and the ability to plan ahead. 

When you're done, you'll not only see where you land on the Political Test, but you'll also discover how others are scoring - both overall and for every single question. You can see the results right away and we'll offer you a chance to have them emailed to you. 

Second, choose TWO friends and email them a link to the survey. 

We have a goal of... 


One Million in Twenty-One

That's 1 million completed quizzes and surveys in 2021. The objective is for 1 million people to discover their political home.

That’s tens of thousands of new libertarian prospects!

Right now, try the Single Issue Survey on Civil Disobedience for yourself. Please Share it with two friends. 

And if you cannot think of two friends to share with, then please help our advertising budget. We’ll go find the people. 

Sustaining Members provide automated monthly pledges. They give us stability and the ability to plan ahead. 

Become a Sustaining Member

One-time Donors give us a surge of support that we can use right now to get started. 

Become a One-Time Donor

Thank you for your support, 


Mike Sertic
Advocates for Self-Government
[email protected]


To equip people to understand, embrace, and advocate the values of self-government.

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