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Dear John, 

We covered a lot of ground while I was home in Chester and Berks counties this past week, and I wanted to share some highlights with you. Truly, I'm so thrilled to be back in full swing as I travel around our district. Last week's events were an important reminder - I am best able to represent all of us when I hear directly from you.

So much is happening in our community! If you don't have time to read this update in full, here's the takeaway: I am hyper-focused on rebuilding our economy in a way that leaves no one behind, focusing on our small businesses and working families. I’ll continue to voice our concerns and priorities when I'm down in Washington on our behalf. Thank you again for the honor of representing you.

In This E-Newsletter You Will Find:

Crisscrossing Our District Including hosting our in-person Jobs Town Hall, securing millions for our local small venues like Fox Theatre in Wyomissing and Colonial Theatre in Phoenixville, meeting with the Coatesville Police Department, and hearing from area manufacturers.

What We're Working On — Including sharing the benefits of the Child Tax Credit, helping broker a bipartisan infrastructure package, and joining President Biden to discuss voting rights.

Delivering for Our Community: Constituent Services
 —  Including recent testimony from a constituent for whom we helped expedite a passport!

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Crisscrossing Our District

Hosting an In-Person Town Hall to Discuss Building Back Better

It was fantastic to see so many members of our community at our town hall! As always, I’m both humbled and inspired by the thoughtful questions and productive conversation. I am also grateful to our local leaders who served as our panelists. Our town halls allow me to hear directly from constituents so I can bring your ideas and concerns back to Washington, which is why I've held the most town halls out of anyone in the PA delegation. The way I see it - our community benefits most when I hear directly from you. 

Clearly, the economy is on so many Pennsylvanians’ minds, mine included. I will continue to be a leading voice in Congress to bring good-paying jobs back to Chester and Berks counties, to help boost our small business workforce, to provide a desperately needed infrastructure overhaul, and to ensure that working families have the tools they need to economically thrive.

Securing Millions for Our Local Small Venues

Our local movie theatres provide entertainment, a source of community, and economic opportunity for not only their employees, but neighboring restaurants and industry. They’re a vital aspect of a local economy, which is why I wanted to do everything in my power to ensure they got the support they needed to weather this crisis and restore their valued place in our community.

So when I heard our small venues still needed their applications processed by the Small Business Administration (SBA), I built a bipartisan coalition of 200+ Congresspeople to make a simple but urgent request to the SBA: process these applications in a timely manner. Thanks to our efforts, both the Fox Theatre in Wyomissing and Colonial Theatre in Phoenixville have finally received their funds.

Meeting with the City of Coatesville Police Department and Area Small Business Owners

I value my relationship with the Coatesville Police Department, and I appreciate the work they do on behalf of our community. Chief Laufer continues to make Coatesville proud, and I am committed to working alongside him to support community safety and an equitable police force. That’s why I helped secure funding for local police departments in our American Rescue Plan, so that they too could begin the work of rebuilding after this devastating pandemic.

Highlighting Manufacturing Jobs in Morgantown

Despite all the hardships of the past 15 months, Morgan Truck Body has continued to be an anchor of our local economy, just as they have since 1952. Not only are their operations impressive, but their commitment to creating jobs right here in Berks County is exactly the kind of energy we need as we work to build back this economy, even better than before. I will continue doing my part in Congress to ensure that Morgan Truck Body and businesses like theirs have the support they need to thrive, provide good paying jobs and be a productive participant in our rapidly recovering economy.

What We're Working On

Sharing the Benefits of the Child Tax Credit

In our community alone alone, 71.8% of children will gain from the expanded and improved Child Tax Credit that already hit bank accounts this week. That's huge! To talk about this critical resource for PA families, we were joined by Loraine Disciullo (Brandywine Valley YMCA), Michelle Legaspi Sanchez (The Fund for Women and Girls), and Elyssa Schmier (MomsRising).

Listen to our full conversation on Youtube here.

Investing in our kids is investing in our country’s future. That’s why I fought to get the child tax credit across the finish line and signed into law. Let’s be clear – this middle class tax cut for working families will provide them economic opportunities and choices that may not have otherwise been available. This money will go a long way towards empowering both kids and their parents to have their shot at the American dream.

Visit the White House's website to learn how your family might benefit.

Helping Broker a Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal

Every Pennsylvanian deserves access to efficient and reliable transportation options to commute to work, get to school, and remain connected. In our community, highways, roads, rail, and buses provide access to job markets and opportunities within my district, in Philadelphia and across Southeastern Pennsylvania. 

Working families and small businesses in our district rely on our transportation network to support their livelihoods and operations. Unfortunately, the Commonwealth and our nation have fallen behind in terms of needed transportation and infrastructure investments, which negatively impacts our community.

So here's what has to happen: Congress owes the American people a long overdue infrastrucure package - one that brings good-paying jobs to Chester and Berks Counties. I've been working with the Problem Solvers Caucus in the House and my counterparts in the Senate to broker this deal, get it through Congress, and on to the President's desk for signature. 

Joining President Biden to Fight for Voting Rights

This week, I had the privilege of joining President Biden at the National Consitution Center where he spoke directly to the American people from the very birthplace of our democracy - Philadelphia. Joining me were Michael Toledo, President & CEO, Centro Hispano, Rev. Kyle Boyer, West Chester NAACP former president and educator, Marian D. Moskowitz, Chair, Board of Commissioners’ County of Chester, and Mayor Peter J. Urscheler, Borough of Phoenixville.

The right to vote is sacrosanct. I served this country in the Air Force and now in Congress because I believe in the majesty of our Constitution, in the fundamental tenet of our democracy – every eligible American has the right to make their voice heard at the ballot box. President Biden did not mince words this week. Every elected official has the responsibility to defend every American's right to vote. 

I want to be clear with the people of Pennsylvania – politicization of voting rights is antithetical and dangerous to our democracy. Anyone who has served this country knows that the right to vote cannot be taken for granted – and I will stand on the frontlines defending every American’s right to the ballot box and to protect the security of our elections. To do anything less would be a betrayal of my oath of office.

Delivering for Our Community: Constituent Services

Helping Constituents Expedite Their Passports

As I mentioned in one of my recent e-newsletter updates, our office has seen a substantial increase in passport-related inquires. Let me assure you, I'm already working with Democrats and Republicans to fix this problem. Online, we added a U.S. Passport Services webpage to address your concerns and also encourage you to call our office. Below you'll find testimony from Robert in Avondale who we were able to assist!

If you are having an issue with a federal agency, fill out our form and our team will contact you! We also invite you to read more success stories here. Remember, our website is always a resource for you and your family.
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As you know, news is changing every day. If you'd like to see updates more often, please follow us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram where we post daily.

We want to hear from you. Please stay in touch and let us know what you thought of this e-newsletter. As always, we invite you to call one of our offices or message us through our contact form. Feel free to pass this update along to friends of our community so they can keep in touch too.


1218 Longworth HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-4315
M-F 9:00am-6:00pm
709 E. Gay Street
Suite 4
West Chester, PA 19380
Phone: (610) 883-5050
M, W, F 9:00am-5:00pm
T, Th 9:00am-7:00pm

815 Washington Street
Suite 2-48
Reading, PA 19601
Phone: (610) 295-0815
M, W, F 9:00am-5:00pm
T, Th 9:00am-7:00pm

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