Wall Street Journal Opinion: A Virginia PTA Purge of Asians

Administrators of America’s top public high school recently engineered admissions policies to achieve their preferred racial balance. That is, fewer Asian-American students.

The blatantly unconstitutional reform drew a federal lawsuit by parents and PLF. It also caught the attention of WSJ columnist William McGurn. In a column and video, he explains what this school saga shows us about racial discrimination today.


Free speech is a valuable protector of economic liberty

Whether it’s California squeezing out out freelancing, New York’s pandemic-related business restrictions, or Oklahoma’s limiting how artists market American Indian-made art, governments routinely regulate and restrict people’s right to earn a living.

Caleb Trotter explains that whatever the reason, the effect such laws can have on an individual’s right to free speech is typically overlooked when government reaches too far.

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The Hill: Obama’s education guidance was terrible policy—and it’s about to come back

Martin Luther King Jr. famously dreamed that his children would be judged not “by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”

But as Alison Somin tells us, two major federal civil rights offices appear poised to re-issue an unlawful guidance document turning that commitment on its head.

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