Kemp should be indicted as a co-conspirator.
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

For more information on any post below, click through to read the full article on our website.

Georgia Gubernatorial Candidate Vernon Jones Calls For RESIGNATION of Governor Brian Kemp
Kemp should be indicted as a co-conspirator.

Vernon Jones Calls for Resignation of Georgia Governor Brian Kemp for Certifying ‘Fraudulent Election’

By Gateway Pundit, July 14, 2021:

Jones is additionally calling for the Georgia ...

SICK ANTI-AMERICANISM: Sec. of State Blinken Invites United Nations to Probe Into ‘Systemic Racism’ In The United States
The global left axis is converging to crush the era of individualism and political freedom, ushering in a new dark age.

Why aren't the racists at the UN probing the slaughter of gays in Muslims countries, the crackdown on Cubans by a brutal ...

House Intelligence Committee Nunes: John Durham Report Is Coming, Some People Will Go To Prison
“The bottom line here is is that there’s a massive erosion of the of nearly every institution in this in this country right now”

Nunes: John Durham report is coming, some people will go to prison

Ranking member of the powerful House ...

“Biden “Admin: We’re ‘Flagging Problematic Posts’ For Social Media Platforms, Tracking ‘Misinformation’
In two words: Government censorship.

This is is treason.

Jen Psaki just said “We’re flagging problematic posts for Facebook that spread disinformation.” Should be terrifying to anyone who values free speech. Big tech companies are now ...

WATCH Maricopa Election Audit Hearing: Breach of Computer Systems During 2020 Election, High Vulnerability for Internet Computer Hack, Fraud Ballots On WRONG PAPER STOCK
The take-away from the these election fraud hearings is: Trump won.

LIVE NOW: Senate Hearing on the Election Audit in Maricopa County – 7/15/21

— RSBN (@RSBNetwork) July 15, 2021


“Biden” Admin Waives Sanctions on Iranian Oil Trade As DOJ Announces Charges On Spy Network
The Biden Administration fails to understand that when you appease brutal and tyrannical regimes they won't make nice. They will only get worse. The deal that will be eventually signed by the Biden Administration and Iran will be an awful one. The ...

IDF: Hezb’Allah (Party of Allah) Storing MASSIVE Weapons Depot Next To a School
Hezbollah is an Iran backed terrorist organization. Hezbollah (like Hamas) indiscriminately fires rockets at Israel from Lebanon's civilian population. Essentially using Lebanon's civilians as human shields. They do this knowing full well that the ...

Gov. DeSantis Team Offers ‘Don’t Fauci My Florida’ T-Shirt, Leftists Heads Explode
Heads exploding but no worries, so little brain matter.

DeSantis Team Offers ‘Don’t Fauci My Florida’ T-Shirt, Triggers Leftists

By Hank Berrien • Daily Wire • Jul 14, 2021:

Governor Ron DeSantis listens during a roundtable ...

DeSantis: State To Roll Out New CIVICS Program With BONUS For Teachers
Every Republican governor should do the same. Imagine if every state was run like the state of Florida. #DeSantis2024.

I’m proud to announce the Civics Seal of Excellence teacher certification that awards a $3,000 bonus to all teachers that ...

What Fauci Knew And When He Knew it: His Emails Point To Panic, Lies, And Cover-Up
Fauci should be in jail. Period. Why hasn't he been fired?

TRUMP PEACE! Historic First: United Arab Emirates Opens Embassy in Tel Aviv
More miracles from President Trump's Abraham Accords. If President Trump was still in office, ceremonies like this would be happening in Muslim majority countries across the the Persian Gulf, Asia, and Africa. Today, the Biden Administration ...

COUP: Overwhelming Evidence That January 6th Was A Planned Set-Up
Every rational, thinking American knew this from day one.

Related: Confirmed: Undercover Agents Were Working Capitol Rioters on January 6, Court Documents Reveal

So Much Evidence that January 6, 2021 was a Calculated Set-Up

Steve ...

President Trump Slams Barack Obama for Previously Supporting Raúl Castro
Was there a dictator Obama didn't aid and abet?

Barack Hussein Obama laughed it up with Raul Castro at a baseball game in the afternoon and then Obama, on that same day, went tango dancing after Americans were killed in a terror attack in ...


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