Bombshell reporting: Senator Ron Johnson ignored FBI briefings about being targeted by Russian intelligence with disinformation.

He then misused his position as chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee to investigate Hunter Biden’s work in Ukraine––a story now established as Russian disinformation intended to influence the 2020 election.
Ron Johnson played right into Vladimir Putin’s hands.

First, Johnson was warned that Russia was targeting him with disinformation.

Then, Johnson IGNORED the FBI, and went right along with Putin’s scam.

Now, Johnson’s excuse is he “felt the briefing was completely useless and unnecessary.”

That’s exactly how we feel about Johnson’s tenure in the Senate, and why he must be defeated in 2022.

We’re pushing our fundraising into overdrive to end Ron Johnson’s time in the Senate and turn Wisconsin BLUE. But if we’re going to defeat this MAGA-backed croney, we need top Democrats like you to help.

Can you pitch in $35 or more to defeat Republicans like Ron Johnson? We MUST expand our Senate majority. A Democratic victory in Wisconsin is crucial. Rush your gift now and get it DOUBLE MATCHED >>>
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Democratic Victory PAC
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