Our pressure is working. Can you take cation to pressure Biden before it's too late?

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Our pressure is working, now let's turn up the heat.


Two weeks ago we emailed you because Biden wasn't doing what we needed on climate change.

Thanks to our action, that's turning around!

BUT - and it's a big but - there has still been no announcement from the Biden team about ending new fossil fuel projects like Line 3, Line 5, and dozens of fracked gas pipelines, compressor stations and export terminals.

Before it's too late, can you sign on now to make sure Biden and team #BuildBackFossilFree!


A few weeks ago we messaged you that Biden wasn't taking the action we need on climate change. Since then, and thanks to our calls, emails, actions and pressure - Biden has changed his tone, but he hasn't changed his policy on fossil fuel infrastructure, Biden and team have backed off pushing their toothless, no-climate bipartisan infrastructure plan. And just this week, Progressives celebrated agreement on a $3.5 trillion infrastructure plan which includes strong action on climate change. BUT - and it's a big but - there has still been no announcement from the Biden team about ending new fossil fuel projects like Line 3, Line 5, and dozens of fracked gas pipelines, compressor stations and export terminals.

Can you help us seal the deal by signing this petition to the Biden Administration to Block all new fossil fuel projects and invest in a clean energy future.

Our original email from 2 weeks ago is below, so you can see how far we've come.

President Biden isn’t taking the action we need on climate change – and even worse he’s siding with Trump-era judges, GOP Senators, and other climate-deniers to block progress and enable pipelines and pollution. That’s why, all this week, we’re taking action to pressure Biden and Congress to cut the crap – stop negotiating with the GOP, and commit to the kind of bold climate action he promised on the campaign trail.

We're taking action all week in DC, and you can get the whole schedule in our blog. But wherever you live, whatever you’re doing – you can support us this week by signing this petition to the Biden Administration to Block all new fossil fuel projects and invest in a clean energy future.

President Biden: Build back Fossil Free!

A recent report from the International Energy Agency (IEA) makes the science on fossil fuels and climate change exceedingly clear – to protect a livable planet, we need to “end new oil, gas and coal funding.” Not just that, but the latest science shows that we have more than enough renewable energy potential to power our societies and economies.

That means no new oil wells, no new fracked gas fields, and no new coal mines. It means no new pipelines, refineries, and gas hook ups. It means it’s time for our government to put its money where its mouth is and start addressing the climate emergency with the urgency required.

I don’t think Joe Biden is a bad man – and he’s nowhere near as dangerous as Trump was to our Democracy, civil rights, or human rights. But last week Biden’s climate policy was a dumpster-fire. We need to take determined action right now to get the White House back on track, or we may lose our opportunity to tackle the climate crisis before it’s too late.

Biden’s first 100 days looked good! But last week he backed the Line 3 pipeline, promised to begin drilling for oil and gas on public lands again soon, and negotiated a worse-than-useless infrastructure bill with Sen Lindsey Graham that will only make the climate crisis much, much worse.

President Biden has a chance to implement policies that could turn the tide in the fight against climate change by blocking new fossil fuel projects and investments – let’s make sure he knows that it’s a priority for the people who call the United States home.

Sign the petition: Biden must stop all new fossil fuel projects and start making big strides towards the climate mitigation we MUST have.


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