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** Your daily media briefing - Tuesday 15 October
In the Media <[link removed]>, our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, is one of the most popular features on our website and now available delivered to your inbox.
** Secularism in the media
* Court bid to stop anti-LGBT protests at Birmingham school starts <[link removed]>
Protests were held outside the high court on Monday over a bid to permanently ban activists against equality lessons from demonstrating outside a Birmingham primary school.
The Guardian
* Parents’ evening cancelled ‘over concern for teachers’ at school affected by protests <[link removed]>
A head teacher whose primary school has been targeted by protests over LGBT equality lessons had to cancel a parents' evening because she feared for teachers' safety, a court has heard.
The Times (£)
* ‘Behind the gates of Anderton Park - the Birmingham school at the centre of national debate’ <[link removed]>
On the eve of a high court battle seeking to curb protests at the gates of Anderton Park School for good, Jane Haynes went inside to find out more about the school's ethos.
Birmingham Live
* Atheist woman wins right to exhume cremated remains of baby boy <[link removed]>
An atheist mother has won a rare court case to exhume the ashes of her two-year-old son after they were buried in consecrated land by mistake 15 years ago.
Mail Online
* Schools in NI should `adapt' to meet needs of increasingly diverse classes <[link removed]>
Schools in Northern Ireland need to adapt to meet the needs of an increasingly diverse population, it has been urged.
The Irish News
* ‘Teachers are losing their religion and breaking the rules’ <[link removed]>
Eve Debbage of TeacherTapp says teachers are less religious today than they were 50 years ago.
Schools Week
* Sinn Féin supports abortions in certain circumstances and within a 'limited gestational period'
Sinn Féin will tell a consultation on Northern Ireland's new abortion laws that it only supports terminations in certain circumstances and within a "limited gestational period".
The Irish News
* ‘Former Islamist and far-right extremists unite to fight rising hate’ <[link removed]>
A decade ago, Jesse Morton and Ivan Humble were on opposite sides of an ideological battle. Now, they are fighting extremism together, Lizzie Dearden writes.
The Independent
* Civic leaders in attendance as religious service celebrates life in Leicestershire <[link removed]>
Leicestershire's top civic and religious leaders converged on Melton Mowbray on Sunday to attend a special service to celebrate life in the county.
Melton Times
* Bangladeshi court indicts eight men over murder of man who published atheist books <[link removed]>
On Sunday, a Bangladeshi court indicted eight men, all part of a radical Islamic terrorist organisation, for the murder of Faisal Abedin Deepan, who published the works of a murdered atheist author.
The Friendly Atheist (Patheos)
** Latest from the NSS
* Secularism is a feminist issue <[link removed]>
Ahead of the FiLiA 2019 conference this weekend, Megan Manson argues that secularism is a crucial ingredient in campaigns for women's equality.
** Latest NSS podcast
* Ep 16: Operation Christmas Child | Faith schools <[link removed]>
In this week's episode, Emma Park speaks to Megan Manson about the evangelical charity behind Operation Christmas Child, and to Alastair Lichten about children being sent to faith schools against their parents' preferences.
The episode also features highlights from our 2019 Bradlaugh Lecture, where assistant head Andrew Moffat defended inclusive education.
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