Riders Need Funded, Reliable Muni Service That Connects Us All

Thanks to the advocacy of San Francisco Transit Riders, our community partners, and Supervisors Haney, Preston, Melgar, and Safai, we're thrilled that the 31 Balboa and M trains will be part of Muni's August 14th service restoration! We're thankful SFMTA heeded the urgent calls of students, seniors, and riders across the city to bring back these essential routes. 

Now, as San Francisco recovers from the pandemic, it is time to restore all suspended lines and invest in world-class transit service. It's time to Rebuild Muni.

Public transit is at the foundation of San Francisco’s economy, a key solution for our climate goals, and at the core of a more equitable, accessible, livable city. Buses are already packed on some routes. If Muni is not there when people need it, if they can’t count on it for fast and reliable trips, or if they don’t understand what service exists, they will find other ways to get around.

There are three parts to our Rebuild Muni platform:

It is time to return all Muni routes. Bus and train operators are back at work and the federal government has provided funds for recovery: it's time to bring service back for all riders. We need to stop being left behind. There are transit-dependent people in every neighborhood; there are jobs throughout the city. While there may be ways we want to improve some routes, now is the time to give people the service they know and count on.

Muni needs priority on the street. We have started converting the temporary transit lanes for the pandemic response into permanent improvements for riders. Piloting transit lanes needs to become our new way of giving Muni priority. Riders get immediate benefits while feedback can be collected, and improvements made, in real time. Let's pilot transit lanes across the city to get riders where we need to be faster, making Muni more useful to more people. Let's use quick-builds and pilot projects to jump-start a network of efficient, reliable transit service.

Muni needs to be funded. Many of Muni’s problems stem from chronic underfunding – which means our train system runs on a floppy disk and there isn’t enough money to hire bus drivers. We need our city leaders to champion transit funding measures that are progressive, stable, and scaled to the need and urgency to rebuild Muni. We call for funding to support a transit system that encourages transit use with affordable fares and frequent, reliable service. 

Read more about our Rebuild Muni Platform and sign our petition!


P.O. Box 193341, San Francisco, California  94119 [email protected]

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