The GOP will target all of their resources on unseating Lucy.

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John, we've got some good news and some bad news.

First, the good news: Our incredible team of grassroots supporters stepped up tremendously over the last few weeks to help Lucy fight back against Republican attacks, meet our crucial fundraising goals, and show the immense strength of our movement.

But here's the bad news: Both the NRCC and the DCCC declared Lucy's as one of the most vulnerable Democratic House seats. And one of Lucy’s newest Republican opponents just raised $100k in their first 24 hours in the race.

If we’re going to defend our House majority and keep Georgia blue next fall, we have to re-elect Lucy. It's clear we've got a tough fight on our hands.

John, could you make a contribution today to help us prepare for the difficult battle ahead? We’re about halfway through July, and we need to pick up our fundraising pace to hit our goal this month.


The more we can prepare now, the better our chances of defending this seat and keeping our Democratic House majority will be. So we can't afford to get comfortable.

The GOP will target all of their resources on unseating Lucy. But if we can make strategic investments in our campaign early, we'll be able to defend this seat over the long-haul.

So what do you say, John? Could you make a contribution today and ensure we have the resources to re-elect Lucy?

Thanks in advance for whatever you can give.

- Team Lucy McBath

Paid for by Friends of Lucy McBath

Friends of Lucy McBath
885 Woodstock Rd Suite 430-528
Roswell, GA 30075
United States

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