With early voting already underway and the primary coming up on August 3, today is an important time to show you stand with Nina.

One $2.70 donation, friends.

That is what we are asking you to contribute today to help Nina Turner take on the super PAC trying to defeat her campaign for Congress.

We'll explain more below, but if you can make that $2.70 donation right now, please use this link:


Alright, here's the deal:

A super PAC with a record of opposing candidates who stand with the working class recently went up with TV ads against Nina Turner. It's the same super PAC that ran negative ads against Bernie last year ahead of the Iowa caucus.

This comes at a time when the political and financial establishment are fully behind Nina's opponent. It's clear they are doing everything they can to defeat Nina during the final weeks of this race.

So we need to respond.

With early voting already underway and the primary coming up on August 3, today is an important time to show you stand with Nina.

Can you split a $2.70 contribution between Nina Turner's campaign and Bernie's campaign today? Every donation will help Nina win this special election while supporting Bernie's work organizing the progressive movement nationwide.

We have a tremendous opportunity to elect Nina Turner to Congress where we know we can count on her to fight for a bold progressive agenda that puts working people first. But she needs our help to get there.

Thanks for chipping in today if you can afford it.

In solidarity,

Team Bernie