Senate Democrats announce plans for $3.5 trillion budget package to expand Medicare, advance Biden priorities
— The Washington Post

Yesterday I was proud to join my Democratic colleagues on the Senate Budget Committee as we released our budget plan to invest in America’s families and future. 

Our comprehensive budget proposal takes concrete steps to advance the goals of building an economy that works for everyone. It includes important provisions to extend the child tax credit expansion, fund universal pre-K, expand health care protections, and allow Medicare to cover vision, dental, and hearing. 

And crucially, it provides significant investments to confront climate change head-on including a clean energy accelerator that Senator Markey and I proposed to invest in green energy opportunities and create millions of jobs —  a HUGE priority in tackling climate change and something I’ve fought to pass for years.

Mitch McConnell has already announced his opposition to our package. But I will work night and day to get this done and advance the agenda that the American people voted for in 2020 — including building the infrastructure of the 21st century, moving to a clean energy economy, ensuring affordable child and elder care, expanding educational opportunities, closing the racial wealth gap, strengthening our democratic institutions, and putting our country on a path of strong, inclusive and sustainable growth that will benefit every American for years to come. 

As I’ve said before, the fight to deliver real progress for the American people is the fight of our time — and your engagement makes all the difference. I will keep you updated as we move this forward.

Thank you for being part of this.



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