The case against the NRA just keeps growing, John.

This week, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer called on the Department of Justice to investigate the NRA for bankruptcy fraud, adding another strike against the embattled group.

In his announcement, Schumer highlighted the hypocrisy and dishonesty of the NRA’s bankruptcy claim: “How can you say you’re bankrupt at the same time you have millions of dollars to spend on ads throughout the country trying to prevent universal background checks and other things that will stop the killings on the streets?”

“The bottom line is the NRA shot itself in the foot when they declared bankruptcy and still have millions of dollars,” he said.

The NRA is trying to use a bogus bankruptcy claim to avoid legal and financial responsibility for years of fraud and mismanagement. But the truth is, they are still spending MILLIONS to fight commonsense gun safety measures supported by the vast majority of the American people.

We can’t let that stand, John. We cannot allow the NRA to continue to stand in the way of any and every step to prevent senseless gun violence. We have been fighting the NRA for years, now we have the chance to stop them once and for all. Please, donate today to help us take on the NRA and protect lifesaving gun safety measures.

The NRA’s bad faith bankruptcy filing made it painfully clear that the group has turned its back on its original mission as a sportsman and firearm safety organization. They have cheated American taxpayers in pursuit of their extreme agenda. It must be stopped—lives depend on it. Help us defeat the NRA once and for all.

Thank you,
Renée (she/her)


P.O. Box 4187
Seattle, WA 98194

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