
You may have seen my team's email about the child tax credit payments that will be sent to millions of parents across the country starting this week.

I want to reiterate the importance of this direct stimulus -- payments like this could cut child poverty in half, helping millions of hard working families provide their children with food, clothes, books, and so much more.

But even with overwhelming evidence that these direct payments will help thousands of families right here in CA-25, Mike Garcia still didn't vote to support it. This should come as no surprise to those of us who know Mike's voting record.

The thing is, this is not out of character for Mike Garcia. Time and time again, he has voted against policies that benefit the people in this district and instead sided with folks like Marjorie Taylor Greene.

Look, John, if I can promise you one thing, I promise you that when I get to Congress I will fight like hell to work for the people of this district. I will work for you, not for partisan special interests. But I can’t be that leader for CA-25 without your help. Will you chip in $5 or whatever you can support my campaign?

Thank you for standing up for this district.

-- Christy Smith

----------Forwarded message----------
From: Team Christy
Date: Mon, July 12, 2021
Subject: Information regarding the Child Tax Credit


This pandemic has presented so many different challenges for parents. Whether it was adjusting to a remote working environment or finding a new job altogether, balancing work and home life was more demanding than ever.

As more schools reopen in the fall and America starts to return to normal, it has never been more clear that parents still need support -- and they need it fast.

Though the Child Tax Credit has existed since 1997, it's getting a major boost this year! Starting July 15th, 2021, millions of eligible parents will be receiving a monthly payment for up to $300 per month for each child under age 6 and up to $250 per month for each child ages 6 through 17.

But without further legislation, the Child Tax Credit will stop being an automatic payment to working families and revert back to its original form.

Help us thank President Biden and Congress for putting money into the pockets of hard working California families and call on Congress to make it permanent. Sign the petition now >>

And while the Child Tax Credit has been wildly popular for Americans across the country, Mike Garcia is unsurprisingly opposed to this policy which cuts childhood poverty in half.

Mike Garcia has a long history of bad votes on the House floor, but voting against the American Rescue Plan -- which included monthly payments for the Child Tax Credit -- takes the cake. If he can't vote in favor of our working families here in California (along with money for vaccines), he has got to go.

President Biden worked hard to make sure the American Rescue Plan gave every American the support they needed to get through the pandemic, but American families will continue to need our support long after the pandemic is over.

It's clear Mike Garcia won't be there for our families or for the Child Tax Credit -- so let's make sure it's loud and clear that we support our families here in CA-25. Sign the petition to keep money in the pockets of those who need it most.

Thank you for always ensuring your voice is heard!

-- Team Christy

PS: John, to see if you qualify, visit the IRS Advanced Child Tax Credit payment page here.

Christy Smith is only soliciting funds that comply with federal campaign finance laws.