Hi !

My name is Zoe Card and I’m the digital intern for the Iowa Democratic Party this summer.

As a proud Iowan and a college student, I know that $5 really makes a difference, and that’s especially true at the Iowa Democratic Party. Monthly grassroots contributions help us pay our organizers, keep the lights on at field offices, print signs for parades, and prepare for upcoming elections.

If we’re going to take back Iowa, we need your commitment now more than ever. Can I count on you to start a monthly $5 contribution to help us lay the groundwork for victory in 2022?

Iowa Democrats fight for the issues important to me and my friends: action on the climate crisis, student debt relief, affordable housing, and more. With your help and with Democrats at the wheel, I know that Iowa could be a place that young people want to move to – rather than move away from.

Start a $5 monthly contribution

Iowa Democrats are who I’ve always looked up to and I’m proud to be a part of the organization now. I know that when we work together, we can change Iowa for the better and create a welcoming state for future leaders.

Thank you!

– Zoe Card


Paid for by the Iowa Democratic Party.

Not authorized by any candidate or candidates committee
Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 in a calendar year.
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