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Team, big news: We wrote an op-ed, and it’s in the Washington Post! 

Washington Post: 'Democrats need a winning message. We propose: Workers, wages, and weed.'

Here’s what we wrote about: The political establishment’s ‘conventional wisdom’ around creating lasting political change gets things all wrong. We learned this first-hand as competitive 2020 Congressional candidates in Texas.

As candidates, we followed advice from the party “experts” — and we shared the results in the article:

“Meaningful conversations with voters about issues we supported — such as increasing the minimum wage or legalizing marijuana — were shelved in favor of TV ads with broad messages about health care. Instead of taking our strongest closing arguments to voters’ doors, we took watered-down messages to the airwaves that failed to inspire or even distract from the daily stream of Trump news.”

Election Day came, and we both lost. But nationwide, a handful of issues outperformed both presidential candidates with voters of every political stripe — namely, supporting workers, improving wages, and legalizing weed.

That’s why we founded Ground Game Texas. By launching city-based campaigns around ‘workers, wages, and weed’ and going straight to voters’ doors to talk about these popular issues, we can excite Texans — enough to get new voters on the rolls, inactive voters back to the polls, and transform the Texas electorate for 2022 and beyond.

If you’re ready to invest in real political change in Texas, can you chip in a donation today? Every dollar contributed to this email will go toward our local grassroots campaigns around ‘workers, wages, and weed’ — so we can build a progressive Texas from the ground up.

Donate Now  

We’re already organizing community by community and knocking thousands of doors, thanks to grassroots supporters like you. Our new Washington Post article is an exciting step forward as we continue to expand our work across Texas.


Julie Oliver and Mike Siegel