
We haven’t let up on pursuing the Koch network and the abundance of money and influence they foist upon our democracy. Through our investigative research, we’ve been able to uncover that Charles Koch has doubled his funding of higher education in just a year's time, and are digging deep into how the Koch network has infiltrated K-12 education. That’s why we are fighting back. 

It’s time to escalate our current campaigns, reassess strategies, and take action to dismantle the Koch network. We are extremely excited about taking action, and we need you to do it! 

Join us, Tuesday, July 20th at 5pm ET for our monthly UnKoch National Network Call. You are not going to want to miss this as we plan and strategize ways to kick Koch’s influence out of our democracy. These calls are a monthly event intended to bring activists together on an ongoing basis to skill-share and strategize together. We can’t wait to see you!


In Solidarity, 

UnKoch My Campus Team


Do you have questions or comments you'd like answered during the Network Call? We want to hear from you submit your questions or comments below! 

UnKoch My Campus is a project dedicated to disrupting corporate influence on campuses nationwide by equipping campus activists with education, skills, and ecosystems of solidarity. The Koch network is leveraging its donations to colleges and universities to bolster its corporate agenda to halt action on climate change, put hundreds of thousands of people in prison, deny millions of people healthcare, and strip rights and wages from workers globally. We're building a mass movement of young people who are dedicated to disrupting this harm. 

Essential Information C/O UnKoch My Campus (EIN 52-1299631)
P.O. Box 19405  | Washington, District of Columbia 20036
+1 210-343-1797 | [email protected]

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