Dear friend,
Recently, I told you all about Gwen Levi, a 76-year-old grandmother sent back to federal prison for missing a phone call while she was at a computer class. I have great news: Gwen is home, and free for good!
Last week, her lawyer petitioned for compassionate release, and the judge freed Gwen. She said what everyone knows: Gwen is not a danger and does not need to be in prison.
Everyone needs to know Gwen's story, and that's why I asked her to serve as the spokesperson for our #KeepThemHome campaign. Gwen will share the story of how she and thousands of others were put on home confinement during the pandemic and how they reconnected with their families, found work, and followed the rules.
She will also explain why President Biden needs to act now to prevent the others from being returned to prison when the pandemic ends.
Sign our petition and tell President Biden to grant clemency to people released from prison under the CARES Act:
Once you sign, you'll get instructions on how to email the White House and ask President Biden to act. They need to hear from as many of us as possible.
Thanks for helping us #KeepThemHome!

Kevin Ring
President, FAMM