Dear Health Advocates,

After years of stalling, Congress is finally showing signs that it might be ready to take action to lower the outrageous costs of prescription drugs. BUT IT’S NOT A DONE DEAL! We must make sure that Congress passes meaningful legislation that helps American families. 

Join us on Twitter, TODAY, for our weekly #Thursday30 from 12:00-12:30pm ET, using the hashtag #UniteForHealthCare! This week, we're raising our voices to make prescription drugs affordable. Please feel free to use and customize social posts below from our regularly updated Thursday 30 Toolkit and our Mobilizing to Lower Prescription Drug Costs: Social Media Toolkit. Suggested content for this week includes:
  • Too many people in [your state] cannot afford the medications they need to stay healthy. [insert percentage from page 2 of this report] – of [insert state residents eg. Alabamans] report not following doctor’s orders on a #prescription due to cost. [insert senator, all handles available here], it’s time to allow #drugpricing negotiation.
  • After working hard and sacrificing to save for decades, the cost of life-saving #prescriptiondrugs shouldn’t ruin retirement. @[your senator] needs to hear our stories. If you are in [your state] & ever had to skip #rx due to cost, please share your story in the comments below.
  • Drug companies have increased the prices of over 800 drugs just since January. -insert senator-, (your state’s) families are counting on you to stop these abuses and stand up for a strong #prescriptiondrug #rx bill that includes #Medicare negotiation.
  • No one in America should be forced to choose between their #prescriptiondrugs #rx & financial ruin. -insert senator- your constituents need you to pass a comprehensive #drugpricing bill that allows #Medicare to negotiate prices.
In case you missed it, you can check out the slide deck from Tuesday's webinar, A National Mobilization Moment on Federal Drug Pricing, here.  

To your health,

Hannah Markus
Strategic Partnerships Coordinator
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