JULY 2021
Foundation for Child Development: The Learning Curve Newsletter
A Principal’s Guide to Early Learning and the Early Grades (Pre-K–3rd Grade)

The National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) co-authored a new guidebook, Leading Learning Communities: A Principal’s Guide to Early Learning and the Early Grades (Pre-K–3rd Grade), with the National P–3 Center at the University of Colorado Denver. The guidebook offers strategies that elementary school principals can use to deepen their knowledge, improve developmentally appropriate leadership practices, and build successful Pre-K–3rd-grade continuums to foster equitable learning environments. It also features stories of effective practices implemented in elementary schools across the country, reflective self-assessments for principals, and additional resources for further learning.

The transformational strategies support six interdependent competencies defined in the guidebook to help leaders navigate aligning Pre-K–3rd-grade education and provide high-quality learning opportunities so all young children can thrive. 

  • Competency 1: Understand Child Development and Its Implications for High-Quality Instruction and Interactions, Pre-K–3rd Grade
  • Competency 2: Develop and Foster Partnerships with Families and Communities
  • Competency 3: Embrace and Enact a Pre-K–3rd Grade Vision
  • Competency 4: Ensure Equitable Opportunities
  • Competency 5: Share Leadership and Build Professional Capacity
  • Competency 6: Promote a Culture of Continuous Improvement
Stakeholders in the early care and education field—researchers, policymakers, practitioners, and advocates—may use the guidebook to identify ways to engage and work in partnership with principals.
Access the Leading Learning Communities Guide
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