Good afternoon friend,


“Why not afford those who have subjectively intolerable symptoms, like pain, the choice to die peacefully?” 


If you watched our parliamentary meeting live last week, you will have seen palliative care doctor and former GP, Dr Bill Crawley, ask this incisive question. Thanks to the amazing work of our supporters a good number of MPs attended. Unfortunately your MP, , did not.


Can you send a quick email to   MP today to make sure that they watch these powerful clips from the meeting featuring Dr Crawley and Imam Dr Taj Hargey? 



Opponents are mobilising - tonight they’re holding their own meeting in Parliament that will attempt to convince MPs to be frightened of change. We need to get to them first to ensure that our arguments are fresh in their minds. Please, fire off a quick email to your MP now to make sure they hear this compelling case for change before opponents’ fear mongering and misinformation.  


Thanks for all that you do to support the campaign. Together we will change the law.


All the best, 


Sadie Kempner

Dignity in Dying


P.S. Please send one quick email today to ensure your MP is up to date on the debate!


Our campaign is powered by members - people who support us with a small regular gift so we can plan out the most effective actions to bring about an assisted dying law. Sign up and join thousands of other Dignity in Dying members across the country, from just £2 a month:


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