We are counting down the days to Orlando (45 to go!) and the chance to finally see you in person. We have a pretty amazing agenda this year, but one of the events we're most excited about is the Annual Awards Dinner and Presentation on Wednesday, September 1
This evening will be dedicated to celebrating inspirational leadership and policy achievements across the Network.

Annual Awards Dinner Reception | 6:00 p.m.
Kick off the evening by connecting with old friends and new acquaintances.

Dinner and Awards Presentation | 7:00 p.m. 
  • Thomas A. Roe Award: Named after SPN’s founder, this award will honor an outstanding Network leader whose achievements have greatly advanced free-market principles and solutions. 
  • Overton Award: Named in honor of Joe Overton, creator of the "Overton Window," this award will recognize an outstanding COO or EVP who shapes their organization’s vision and strategy and oversees its day-to-day implementation with excellence. 
  • Bob Williams Awards for Outstanding Policy Achievement: We will celebrate state think tanks doing exceptional work in four policy categories: Best Issue Campaign, Most Influential Research, Biggest Home State Win, and Biggest Win for Freedom.
Post-Dinner Reception
Continue celebrations with colleagues and friends over an after-dinner drink. 
Here's how you can help make the Awards Dinner a memorable experience: 

1. Help choose the winners for the 2021 Bob Williams Awards! Cast your vote by Sunday, July 18.

2. Reserve your hotel room for Wednesday, September 1 (and the rest of your stay). Our room block is selling out quickly, so don't miss your opportunity to get the discounted SPN group rate. 

Thank you to Western Governors University!

Our celebratory evening is made possible by our sponsor, Western Governor's University
WGU knows the value of removing barriers to education, and they put it into practice.
  • WGU was founded to address the need for workforce-ready graduates who were not being served by traditional colleges.
  • Thanks to their focus on competency-based learning, their students graduate sooner, have less debt, and are better prepared to enter the workforce.
  • Students hail from all 50 states with 70% coming from underserved populations.
  • More than 130,000 students are enrolled, and the 2020 graduating class was over 47,000.
Want to explore how states can do higher education differently and better? Connect with WGU’s policy team at SPN’s Annual Meeting or visit their booth in the Connections Lounge to learn more about their innovative education approach and possibilities for partnerships.
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