Welcome to Thursday, July 15th, limes and lemons...

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Tuesday that consumer prices rose by 0.9% in June—the largest jump since 2008.

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Here are some of the items experiencing spikes:

  • Car rental prices increased 87.7%.
  • Used car and truck prices increased 45.2%. (including a 10.5% rise in June compared to May).
  • Gas prices increased 45.1% (including a 2.5% rise in June compared to May).
  • Laundry machine prices increased 29.4%.
  • Airfare prices increased 24.6%.
  • Moving prices increased 17.3%.
  • Fruit prices increased 7.3%.
  • Milk prices increased 5.6%.
  • New car prices increased 5.3%.

How do you feel about the rise in consumer prices?

The Delta Variant

The Delta variant (also known as B.1.617.2 variant) of COVID-19 was first identified in India in December 2020. It spread rapidly through India, then Great Britain, and became the dominant strain in the U.S. earlier this month.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has called the Delta variant the "fastest and fittest" version of the COVID-19 virus, as it seems more contagious than other variants. Dr. F. Perry Wilson, a Yale Medicine epidemiologist explains:

"In a completely unmitigated environment—where no one is vaccinated or wearing masks—it’s estimated that the average person infected with the original coronavirus strain will infect 2.5 other people. In the same environment, Delta would spread from one person to maybe 3.5 or 4 other people.”

Based on what is known now, it appears that fully vaccinated people have protection against the Delta strain. However, a single dose of a two-dose vaccine - such as those offered by Pfizer and AstraZeneca - is not effective.

Are you concerned about the Delta variant of COVID-19?

Court: Barring Gun Sales to People Under 21 Unconstitutional

A three-judge panel of the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled on Tuesday that the federal ban on 18-to-20-year-old adults purchasing handguns from federally licensed dealers is unconstitutional under the Second Amendment.

The 2-1 ruling could set in motion a series of court rulings resulting in the age to purchase a handgun being lowered from 21 to 18.

The age restriction for handgun purchases was established by the Gun Control Act of 1968, which is a landmark federal firearms law. It included a ban on anyone under the age of 21 purchasing a handgun from a licensed federal firearms dealer, and also banned the purchase of rifles and shotguns by anyone under the age of 18.

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Do you agree or disagree with the appeals court panel’s ruling?

All The Memes Fit To Post

And, In The End...

Listen to some Red Hot Chili Peppers for National Give Something Away Day

But also give what you can to support your community:

No need to restrict this celebration, feel free to give it away, give it away, give it away now and every day,

—Josh Herman

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