BREAKING: New poll shows majority of Jewish voters support restricting US military aid to Israel from being used to support illegal settlement activity in the occupied West Bank.
J Street


Pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans continue to rally behind J Street’s call for Congress and the Biden administration to ensure that every cent of US military aid promised to Israel is used for legitimate defensive purposes, and that none can be diverted to support unlawful settlements and de facto annexation.

Today, we can confirm that according to a respected new poll, this is the majority position held by Jewish voters.

A poll released yesterday by the Jewish Electorate Institute -- the first since our petition on aid restrictions launched -- shows 58% support. Take a look for yourself at the question and response:

“Do you support or oppose the US providing the same amount of financial aid that it gives Israel, but restricting it so that Israel cannot spend US aid on expanding settlements in the West Bank?”

Polling showing 58 percent support

Friend, this is an important milestone for our movement as our advocacy teams push for this responsible, urgently-needed policy change to be enacted into law -- but there is still so much work to do.

While more and more lawmakers are embracing aid use restrictions as a way of defending human rights and opposing endless occupation and conflict, forces on the right continue to attack progressive advocates and misrepresent the values and sentiments of our community.

Currently, our records show your name is not listed on our petition -- and we’d love to have your support. To add your name, or to learn more about the specifics of the policy, please visit our petition page now >>

Together, we’re showing that we can see through the smears that falsely call just and commonsense oversight measures “anti-Israel.” We’re saying loudly and clearly that as a community, we believe it is unconscionable to allow equipment bought with American dollars to support forced displacement and settlement expansion.

We’re saying our military aid to Israel is far too important to be used as a blank check for the Israeli settlement movement, and that we must align US support for Israel’s security with an unmistakable commitment to the rights, freedoms and independence of all Palestinians and all Israelis.

Thank you, sincerely, for helping fuel and sustain this work.


Debra Shushan
Director of Government Affairs

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J Street is the political home for pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans who want Israel to be secure, democratic and the national home of the Jewish people. Working in American politics and the Jewish community, we advocate policies that advance shared US and Israeli interests as well as Jewish and democratic values, leading to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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