
The other day, Biden’s press secretary left the door open for allowing more Soviet-style lockdowns in the future, despite declining COVID cases. This kind of anti-science, authoritarian thinking is completely unacceptable.

Not only are counties maintaining authoritarian policies on their own people, Los Angeles County is even renewing COVID policies ON PEOPLE WHO HAVE ALREADY BEEN VACCINATED!

It doesn’t take a scientist to see that science is not guiding these policies. Can you chip in $20 or more now to help us fight for facts and freedom?


The Biden Regime even admitted that most people have already been vaccinated, so why are they opening the door to new lockdowns now? They must see the craven political opportunity to take greater control of our lives.

It could not be clearer that Biden is allowing these rules to creep back in because it opens the door for more authoritarian policies in the name of “safety.” 

We need your help to fight back and stand against new lockdowns and mask mandates. Please rush a contribution ASAP. Thank you!

For Freedom,

Lauren Boebert
Congresswoman, Colorado's 3rd District
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